Chapter: 9

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Authors Note: I know there's at least one person reading this and I thank you, this is gonna be my longest chapter ( I think) ! For the people who skipped to here, Haru is the eldest child (18) , Akira is their second eldest  (16) , Aiko and Daiki are twins (13) and Taeyang is the youngest (6)

Osamu Dazai's POV:

Everything has changed.

I moved in with Chuuya just yesterday and we already had a make out session :D

I slept with him yesterday since I moved in pretty late at night.I inquired him about if he had children last night with him.

"oh-uh yeah I mean not really but yeah I did." Even in the complete darkness and facing his back in bed, I knew there was much more than that, from what I know, at this moment there were children in the house. But I was too tired and decided to push the topic tomorrow.

I hugged him from behind and felt the heat radiating off his body."You damn bandage freak get off me!". I obviously didn't.

I brought his neck closer to my  lips and started to suck."mmngh". My Chibi is ever so sensitive.I forced him to face me and collided my lips with his sucking his top and bottom lip.I quickly slid my tounge into his mouth and his drool fell from the corners of his mouth.

What a fabulous night.

Nakahara Chuuya's POV:

I woke up earlier than the Mackerel. I suppose it was because I made him carry all his stuff (and very quietly since I didn't want him to wake anyone, of course he didn't know that so he was being extra annoying) and it must've wiped him out.

I dont know how to tell him about the kids. He hates them. I mean, it is kinda his fault for doing that stuff with me. Mori told me that it was corresponding to how many times I had done 'it'. Damn ability invaded my privacy.

I decided on telling the kids first.I round them up into a room, they didnt look too happy that I disturbed their sleep.

"so..I well there this person I want you to meet.More like ..well your other parent."

Akira looks a bit disturbed."You mean a guy named Dazai?". "GIRL" Taeyang whispers to her.My face flushed deep red. "well, he is a guy..but yeah his name Is Dazai.He doesnt know about any of you, so please put a good impression on him alright?I need to get some stuff to get him settled to behave ok?especially you Akira, Haru please watch her for me."

"HUH?"she says clearly not happy.Haru sighs which I suppose is a signal that means 'yes'.Damn I really haven't bonded with the kid.I sorta bonded with Akira only to scold her, but still bonding I  guess.

Aiko's POV:

"seems like fathers sorta gay huh?" I say after he left the room.

"gay as hell" Akira says nodding.Haru sighs.Taeyang looks up upset over not understanding."THIS ISNT FAIR!NOW!TELL ME NOW!"

Daiki huffs and pulls her aside to talk to her while Akira and Haru are giving each other death glares for no absolute reason."should we meet him?the Dazai guy?"

Haru speaks up"yes lets go father said to put a good impression on him anyway." We all go to the living room waiting for him to arrive.But we meet with a brunette with very messy hair whining "Chibiiiiii where are youuuu?"

The bandages on his body kinda disturb me, what sort of work does he do?come to think of it, we dont know what father works as either.

He suddenly spots us and asks"who are you?what are you doing here? wait dont answer I know, your Chuuyas kids arent you??" Taeyang jumps up and points at him"and yours too!"

"nope sorry but no can do, I can't handle kids you guys are gonna have to clear out soon." Haru did not like hearing that."Sorry but we arent 'clearing out' any time soon."

Father enters at that moment, out of breath (maybe because he was running?) throwing his bags on to Dazai "please put that in for me!" 

he looks to us and says"oh! you guys met? how'd you like each other?" he seems a bit nervous for some reason.

Osamu Dazai's POV:

something tells me they aren't leaving soon.

I throw the things on the counter and look at Chuuya."Hat rack you better have them leave."He looks at me and replies"Damn Mackerel they arent leaving they're OUR children....I gave birth to them not my problem you didnt push the topic last night."

"What the fu-" "no swearing please in the house" Chibi says smiling. I grab onto his leg and plead"CHU-CHU BEAR PLEASE NO."A few of those wretched kids look shocked about the fact that he gave birth to him least i'm not the only one.

We all had breakfast at the table and there was immediately trouble.The little 5-6 year old called to my beloved Chibikko and said "hey chibi can you pass the salad?"

Chuuya coughed out his tea "w-wait, you cant call me that!You damn bandage freak this is all your fault!" I get up staring at the kid "" "NO HES MY FATHER GO AWAY!" I get up chasing after her while she's screaming her head off.

Chu chu train steps between us picking up Taeyang calming her while staring at me angry."not my problem, she tried stealing you,see this is why I cant handle kids."

"she wasnt stealing me you damn idiot"

 "who you calling idiot baby?"





Taeyang freaking PRETENDS to get scared clinging to my princess and smirking at me.I pick up a pillow and throw it at her but she jumps out of his hand which makes it hit chibis face.

"can't say i'm sorry"

He gets so mad he starts running after me while throwing things at me too.I wonder why he isn't using his ability.

I decide to fight back and (accidently, I wasn't watching what I was picking up ok?) pick up a glass vase and throw it.Chuuya dodges but it ends up going toward Taeyang.

Then the most crazy thing happened (not really because I knew it was going to happen).

The glass vase came right back at me and I quickly caught it.

Haru was standing there with his hands sorta glowing."OH MY GOD HARU TAEYANG ARE YOU ALRIGHT??" chuuya runs and hugs them.not fair.

"you..have an ability?"chuuya questions."I..guess I do."

"Karma, I think thats the ability.From what I'v seen , you already used it twice haven't you?"I say

"Wait ho-". "I have my ways little..Haru was it?"

Chu-chu baby looks a bit upset."why didnt you tell me Haru?Are you getting hurt or something?"

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