Chapter 1 - Welcome to New York

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"Welcome to New York... It's been waiting for you."

Song: Welcome to New York

Artist: Taylor Swift

Styles Inc. Multi-million dollar company, biggest in the whole world and that's where I'm going today.

With a sign, I stand up from my bed and walk to my bathroom to have my morning pee. I wash my hands and quickly go and make myself some breakfast before I start to get ready for my big day.

Today can make or break me. I need this job if I want to survive and make a living for myself. Coming out of a rough past... Providing for myself isn't always easy.

Before I knew it, I was in the yellow cab on my way to Styles Inc. I don't know what to expect, I mean from what I read in the tabloids this man is really scary. He's an asshole, man whore that likes to sleep around with anything that has a vagina and the most intimidated man on earth. I heard when he looks at you, it feels like he is looking right into your soul.

"Miss, we're here." The taxi guy's voice rang through my ears. I snap out of my daydream and look out of the window to the tall, shiny building. I thank the taxi guy, gave him the fee I'm supposed to pay and got out of the taxi.

I look up at the tall building, my heart pumping rapidly in my chest. I take one deep breath, smooth my dress down and walk towards the building. The doorman kindly smiles at me but I only give him a small smile back, too nervous to smile.

Once inside I look around me. People dressed in business wear walked around to fulfil their daily tasks. I spot the front desk where some blond girl was sat at and walked towards it hoping to find out where I'm supposed to go.

"Um.. good morning," I say to the blond who didn't even look up when I approached her. She was busy on her phone, ignoring me. I cleared my throat, trying to catch her attention, which I did when she looked up from her phone to face me. Her face was covered in thick make-up that made her look more like someone going to some Halloween party than to work.

"Yes? Can I help you?" She asks in a bossy manner. If all the people that worked here had this attitude, I don't know if I'll fit in.

"Um, yes. I'm here to see Mr Styles." I say with a shaky voice. The blond women looked at me as if I grew two heads before she started laughing.

"Yeah sure, honey. Don't you think everyone tried that by now just to see him? I mean, yeah he is hot as fuck and fucking good in bed but come on, are you that desperate?" I didn't find it professional that this lady swears like a sailor and that she talks about her boss like that. With furrowed brows, I tried again.

"I'm here for a job interview," I said again. How does she even know how good he is in bed? Slut much?

She looks me up and down visibly cringing at my outfit. I look down at myself, okay yeah, I'll admit. I don't have the best fashion sense but a long pencil skirt and blouse with a tight bun is what my professors at uni said we were supposed to wear. It's about looking professional. Well, this blonde bimbo surely doesn't look too professional with her short skirt and tight blouse with a few buttons undone showing too much cleavage. She rolled her eyes and signed turning to her computer. "Name?"

"Janelle Wilson." I tried to say in a confident voice but here were so many professional people around me that intimidates me. I heard her type something on the computer before she looks me up and down again. She rolls her eyes again before giving me a pass.

"Take the elevator to the top floor." Was all she said before she turned back to her phone. What a professional person she is. Note the sarcasm.

I sign and make my way to the elevator and the top floor. My hands couldn't stop sweating and shaking. I mean, who would not be nervous? I'm about to have an interview with one of the biggest, most intimidating person there is on this earth.

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