Chapter 7 - Only Angel

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"She's an angel, only angel. She's an angel, my only angel."

Song: Only Angel
Artist: Harry Styles 

I'm nervous.. so, so nervous. I look down at my "new" clothes. What're the people going to say? How are they going to react? How is Harry going to react to my change?

Claire came by to my apartment, I don't know how she knew where I live but I didn't question it. Harry told her everything and she was on a mission to make Harry choke on his words.

The only reason I dressed as I did was that that was what I learned on the university. To always dress professional, to not show too much skin. Guess in the real business world it doesn't work like that.

My everyday clothes are normal.

So, with much debate, Claire and I went shopping and bought myself a whole new business wardrobe. I couldn't afford everything but Claire helped me out a little without saying much. I hate it when people give me sympathy but she said it was her way of saying sorry for what Harry did, even though she didn't have to.

So, now I'm standing there having a debate with myself about my new wardrobe.

I hope he likes it.

Wait. What?

Okay, I didn't mean that. I just hope people will like it and won't find it weird or anything.

I look down at my nude-coloured high heels

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I look down at my nude-coloured high heels. With a deep breath, I decide it's now or never. I'll show Harry he made a mistake by saying those things.

Shaking off the nerves, I walk into the big glass building. It's now or never.

Tony, the nice doorman, opens the door for me with a smile. "Good day miss, are you new here?"

I look at him dumbfounded. Doesn't he recognize me? "Um, Tony? It's me. Janelle." I say with a small smile.

His eyes grow wide while he looks me up and down. Well, that's a good reaction.

"Oh, I'm sorry miss Janelle. I didn't recognize you. I surely like your new look." I smile at the friendly doorman, thank him and walk over to the elevator to get to my office. If the doorman reacts like that, I really can't wait for Harry's reaction.

The elevator doors dings open, signalling I made it to the top floor. Claire looks up from where she is seated and as soon as her eyes found me her jaw drops open and her eyes grow wide.

"Well damn girl! Look what the cat dragged in." Was all she said as she came around her desk to me standing in front of the elevator still. I look down at myself and then back up to her.

"This isn't too much, is it?" I'm so scared this is too much. What if I make a fool out of myself and Harry decides to fire me? I need this job.

"Too much? What, no! You look beautiful. Harry is going to eat dust when he sees you." I only blush at the mention of Harry. Wait, no. I can't think like this. He is my boss and that's how it's going to stay.

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