Chapter 29 - Sign Of The Times

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"We don't talk enough.
We should open up before it's all too much.
Will we ever learn? We've been here before, it's just what we know.
Stop your crying baby, it's a sign of the times."

Artist: Harry Styles
Song: Sign Of The Times

I look at Harry dumbfounded. Did he just really say what I think he said? 

"What?" I ask dumbly looking at him with big eyes.

"Yeah Janelle, I want to make you mine. I was so dumb for not seeing it before and being a complete asshole. I didn't mean to make you feel I'm just using you or keeping you around just because I'm lonely. I want you to be mine, Janelle. Haley is crazy about you, I'm crazy about you. It just makes sense. I love you so much and I want to spend my life with you. Will you please be my girlfriend?"

I can't believe the words I've wanted to hear for so long have finally come out of his mouth. Before my brain could move with my mouth, I already blurted the words out.

"Yes." Harry's smile grew ten times bigger before he wrapped me into his arms and start kissing me. Kissing me with such passion and... love. The kind of love I've never experienced before.

"You won't regret this." Harry softly said before starting to kiss me again.


The next morning, Harry decided it was time to go home. Liam said he will keep him updated on the whole money stealing case. He wasn't too sure at first, but Haley needs to get back to stability. I can see that this staying away from home is really starting to affect her. She's homesick.

"Before we go home, there is someone I would really like you to meet," Harry said this morning when we were laying in bed.

"Who?" I asked. Maybe some of his childhood friends? Maybe he wants to introduce me as his girlfriend.


It still feels weird to be saying that. To think, a few weeks ago when we flew here, I was just another woman and his PA. Now we're flying back home as a couple. Amazing how fast things can change.

"You'll see." Is all he says climbing out of bed. "Get ready, I'm going to get Haley ready." And with that, he was out the door.

I was really confused about what he planned to show me. We have been here for a few weeks now, maybe a month, and now he wants to show me something? Kind of strange if you ask me.

Not thinking about it anymore I went to my suitcase to get ready. It was kind of cold today, so I decided on plain light blue jeans with a light pink sweater and converse. I don't need to dress up for anything special.

Harry came back with little Haley on his hip telling him about a dream she had the night before. Seeing them interact is truly my most favourite thing to witness. I truly love them with all my heart. Now I can say that openly without worrying what Harry may think. But it's true. I love them both.

"You ready?" Harry asks when Haley was done with her story. "Take all your stuff with. We can check out now, and just go straight to the airport when we're done." I nod, gathering my last things and walk out the door with Harry and Haley.

After checking out and getting in the car, Harry starts driving to our mystery destination. We said goodbye to Anne and his family last night so we didn't have to do it this morning and have the chance of missing our flight. Not that Harry would allow that to happen anyways.

Looking around my unknown surroundings I don't even get a small idea to where we are going. Holmes Chapel is really a beautiful little town. I would truly like to live here someday.

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