Chapter 17 - End Game

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"I wanna be your end game, I wanna be your first string, I wanna be your A-team, I wanna be your end game, end game.

Song; End Game
Artist: Taylor Swift Ft. Future and Ed Sheeran

Soooo sorry for the wait. Life is HECTIC! Extra-long chapter to make up! Enjoy!

I quickly rush towards Harry's car. He said I can use it to get Haley. I'm a little scared to ride in his car, to be honest. One, because it's a freaking new Range Rover and two, he told me I better not wreck it. So yeah, I was a little nervous. But the thought of a little sick Haley got me to agree to take his car.

Normally he had a driver to drive him around, but it's Luke's, the driver, birthday so Harry gave him the week off. And of course, it was the week Haley got sick.

I quickly put the address into the GPS and start driving towards my destination. I know this was hard on Harry as he wants to be there for his daughter but I know this meeting with Mr Payne is important. For some odd reason, that name does sound familiar...

Not long and I was at my destination. I climb out of the car and walk over to the gate that leads into the pre-school.

Getting into the building, I see a lady sitting in the middle of a circle that little children formed. I guess she's the teacher.

When she sees me, she smiles at me and stands up to come towards me.

"Hi, I'm Katy. How can I help you?" The kind lady with brown long hair asks.

"Hi, um... I'm Janelle Wilson. I work for Mr Styles and I was sent to pick his daughter up." I say.

"Oh um.. I'm sorry Miss Wilson. I can't just send the children with people that are not their parents." I understand that she wants to protect the children but I'm no stranger. Haley knows me and Harry did send me here.

"Haley knows me and Mr Styles send me here." I try to reason but she only shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, I can't send Haley with you." I'm starting to get annoyed with this woman. Who does she think she is?

"You want me to call Harry so he tells you this personally?" I ask getting my phone out of my bag. The women before me only nod her head while crossing her arms over her chest.

Signing, I unlock my phone and go to Harry's contact. I can't believe she's making me do this. Clicking on Harry's name, I put my phone on speaker and hear the phone ringing. Not long and there was a click before Harry's raspy voice came through the line.

"You okay, baby?" Is the first thing he asks. I try not to laugh at the look on the women's face before me. Eyes wide and mouth wide open.

"Yeah, just have a small problem here."

"What's wrong?" He asks in a concerned voice. I look back over to the woman, Katy I think, before me and start speaking.

"A women named Katy wouldn't let me take Haley, claiming she can't give her to me," I say looking the women dead in the eye. To be honest, I'm pissed off for some reason. Or maybe I just want to feel powerful for once... like Harry feels every day.

"What? They're giving you trouble? I called in to tell them you're coming to pick Haley up, what is their problem!" His voice booms through the phone. "This is complete bullshit. Wait, sweetheart, I'm calling them again." He sounds really angry. Well, these people are busy to waste our time.

"No worries." I quickly say. "I got you on speaker." I look at the woman before me. "You believe me now?" I ask her. She only nods her head and mumbles she'll get Haley for me. I then press my phone to my ear.

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