Chapter 32 - Hold Me While You Wait

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"Hold me while you wait, I wish that I was good enough. If only I could wake you up, my love, my love, my love, my love. Won't you stay a while?"

Song: Hold me while you wait.
Artist: Lewis Capaldi

Guys, I'm truly sorry for waiting this long to update. My life was so busy these last couple of months with a lot of heartaches and lost. I'm hoping to update a lot again and finish this book. Thank you so much for all the love and support you have shown me in my absence.
I love you!  

Coming back to my hometown made me a bit emotional as Harry drove through the streets I grew up in. I truly missed my family more than ever. My mom and I did talk on the phone almost everyday, but it's not the same than seeing her in real life.

Haley was in the back of the rental car taking a nap. She didn't really understand where we were taking her but she was excited to be meeting new people. Sometimes she can be a very good social butterfly.

"You okay?" I asked Harry looking over to him in the driver's seat. His eyebrows were furrowed over his beautiful green eyes as he concentrates on the road ahead of him.

"Yeah." He replies shortly, nodding his head. I didn't say much after, leaving him in his own thoughts.

"We are staying in a hotel, right?" He suddenly asks. I wip my head towards him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Um... Well, my parents do have enough room for us. We don't need to stay in a hotel." I reply softly.

His eyebrows furrow now and he quickly looks at me before backing on the road.

"I'm not staying with your parents. You can stay there, but Haley and I will find a hotel." My heart drops hearing his words. First, he compares me to Layla the whole time and now he can't even stay with me at my parent's house? He knows this is a big deal for me, and then he acts like this?

"Why?" I simply ask.

"Because Janelle, I don't want strange people to be up to my ass the whole time." I look at him with wide eyes. How dare he?

"Excuse me!?" I say loudly, temporarily forgetting about Haley in the back seat.

"Not now, Janelle." Harry signs, "I'm not having this fight with you with Haley just in the back seat."

"Unbelievable," I mutter under my breath. I literally can't believe him. I thought he was excited to meet my parents. After everything I told him, my feelings, this is how he acts!? He's acting like a true ass.

I don't say anything for the rest of the ride. To utterly shocked that he would actually say something like that.

Not long, we reach our destination. I climb out of the car, wanting to immediately go into the house but Haley stopped me.

"Mommy, please help get me out." She says in her small voice. I can't ignore Haley because of Harry being stupid. So, I open the back door and help Haley get out. She immediately reaches out towards my hand and grasps it into a tight grasp. Smiling down at the little girl, I couldn't help but feel bad that this little angel sometimes has the devil for a father.

But before I could take another step, I feel a hand grasping my elbow. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Harry with sorry eyes.

"May I please speak to you first?" He asks softly.

"I want to see my parents, Harry." I scoff, shoving my elbow out of his reach and walking forward to the front door with Haley.

I hear Harry sign quietly behind me, but don't make a move to talk to him. I really don't have anything to say to him now.

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