Chapter 40 - I Don't Want To Lose You

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"And something curious in how you walk as if you got a broken wing. That makes me wanna help you find a way to throw your shadow."

Song: I Don't Want To Lose You.
Artist: Luca Fogale

I've been in the hospital for another week. The doctor just wanted to make sure nothing new pops up with the baby and my health.

It's still weird to say... Baby. To think there is actually a little baby growing inside of me. It's still unreal to me.

Today I'm allowed to go home... Finally! We haven't really talked where I will be staying, to be honest, I'm scared to go back to my home. What if the intruder decides to come back and finish what he started? What if this time he finishes me for good?

"Alright, all setup baby. In a few minutes, you'll be out of here." Harry says taking a seat next to my bed. I give him a small smile in return.

Not long, the doctor comes in to give me my discharge papers. "Okay Miss Wilson, I've described some painkillers for you if you have any pain. These pills are not harmful to the baby. I also added some vitamins you should take during your pregnancy. If there are any problems, please don't hesitate to call us. Mr Styles, if you would just follow me to go over some paperwork."

Paperwork? What paperwork?

"I'll be right back. Fill out your discharge papers so long." He gives me a kiss then follow the doctor out the door. I didn't think much of the situation and just grabbed the papers to start filling it out.

As I was writing my details down and how I found the hospital stay, my phone beeped next to me on the small side table the hospital provided. Thinking it was Harry, I quickly pick the phone up. As the screen came alive I saw a picture of myself staring back at me. That's when I knew it was Harry's phone and not mine. I went to put the phone down when a strange message appeared. A text message from an unknown number.

Harry had changed his settings to see a part of the text on the notification bar, so I could see a little what the text was about.

"Next time, she won't be..."

That's all I could see. Next time? Who was this she? Who even is this?

I didn't even hear Harry come back into the room again. I only heard his voice when he was next to me. "What have you got there, baby?"

"You got a text message from an unknown number." I wasn't going to lie or pretend I didn't see the text. I wanted to know what this was about. Is he cheating on me? Now of all the possible times, he chose now?

I look up at him, his face immediately paled. He looks from me to his phone in my hands, before quickly snatching his phone out of my hands. I assume he is reading the text message as his eyes quickly dance over the screen. I wait patiently for him to say something, but when he just locked his phone and put it back in his front pocket, I knew he wasn't going to say anything.

"You're not going to say anything?" I ask him calmly. I didn't want to fight. I just wanted the truth.

"What must I say? I must actually ask you what you were doing snooping on my phone?" He asks back angrily.

"Excuse me? I wasn't snooping. It beeped right next to me and I thought it was mine." I try to defend myself.

"Can you just respect my privacy, Janelle?" 

"Privacy?" I ask back angrily. "Since when do we have privacy around each other and keep secrets?"

"Since you started snooping around my phone." This was unbelievable. I wasn't snooping, it was an honest mistake where I thought it was my phone. Why was he getting so defensive?

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