Chapter 12 - Angel

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"I need an angel to save me from my fate. I need an angel to let the sky's along the way. I need an angel.

Song: Angel
Artist: Rihanna ft ZAYN

Important A/N at the end of the chapter! Please read!

Harry's POV

The look on her face made me feel like a complete idiot. It wasn't that I didn't want to, believe me, I want to, but for some reason, I care about Janelle and I don't want her to feel pressured into doing this with me if she's not completely ready.

This night went the wrong way I was planning to. Janelle was supposed to lie next to me in my bed right now, not in one of my guest rooms by herself.

I'm such an idiot. I must've said it in a different way, not the way I did. I could see the embarrassment written all over her face. That was not what I wanted her to feel. I wanted her to feel special and like I care for her. Because I do.

I'll admit, I'm getting feelings for Janelle and I don't know how to stop it. I don't want to stop it.

Here I am, lying alone in my cold bed. Not the way the night should've gone. I can't sleep, I can only think about her. Is she alright? Does she hate me now? I hope she doesn't.

Trying to figure out if I must go to her or not, I decided to put my pride aside and just go to her. I need to make sure that she is fine.

Standing up from my comfortable bed I walk out the door, down the hall and to Janelle's door.

Do I knock? Do I just walk in? Oh whatever, I'm just going to go right in.

Slowly opening the door the light creeps into the room making me see Janelle with her back towards me.

"Janelle?" I whisper, hoping she's still awake otherwise I don't know the rest of the plan.

Suddenly she turns around with a fright, looking at me with big eyes. "Harry?" She asks in disbelief.

I walk into the room, leaving the door ajar and walk over to her. She pulls the blankets over her chest and sits up in bed.

"What are you doing here?" She asks with a small voice. My sweet angel.

Sitting down at the end of her bed with my hands folded in my lap, I look over at her. She is so beautiful. Even when I woke her up in the middle of the night with no makeup on, she is the most gorgeous woman for sure.

"Um.." I start. "Look, Janelle, I feel bad for what I did earlier. It wasn't my intention to make you feel bad or anything, it's just... I care about you Janelle and I don't want you to feel pressured into sleeping with me. We'll do it when we're both ready and I think we're not right now. I want to make it feel special to you because you are special to me. Having a quick fuck on my couch isn't the special I imagined or what you deserve." At the end of my speech, there were tears in her eyes.

Oh damn! Did I mess up so badly?

Before I knew it, Janelle was in my arms. Kissing me, hugging me and just being there.

"Thank you, Harry." She whispers. "I understand now."

"I don't want you to ever think I rejected you because I don't want to. You mean too much to me to do something meaningless." I hope she understands this. I'm starting to get feelings for her and I only want what's the best for her.

"I know that now." She whispers into my neck. "I appreciate that."

Looking at her now, she looks very tired. Making me believe that she also didn't get much sleep tonight.

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