Chapter 31 - I Was Made For Loving You

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"I was made for loving you. Even though we may be hopeless hearts passing through. Every bone screaming. I don't know what we should do. All I know is darling, I was made for loving you."

Song: I was made for loving you 
Artist: Tori Kelly ft Ed Sheeren

Waking up the next morning with Harry beside me just felt right. It felt truly magical. I haven't had this in a very long time, and for once in my life.. I feel complete. I feel loved. I feel like I belong.

Looking down at Harry, I couldn't help but smile. He is laying with his head on my chest, messy curls sprawled around his head. His lips are slightly parted with breath coming in and out as he breathes. He looks like a true angel with the sunlight forming around him from the slightly opened curtains.

Running my fingers through his hair, he groans but then open his beautiful emerald green eyes for me to see.

"Morning baby." He rasps giving me a lazy smile. I smiled back, still running my fingers through his hair.

"Good morning," I say softly back. I still couldn't believe that this man was mine. Mine to hold. And mine to love.

"How are you feeling, beautiful?" He asks, putting some hair that has fallen down from my ponytail behind my ears.

"Wonderful," I reply. "How about you?"

"Best sex I've had in a long time." He says with a cheeky smile on his face. I couldn't help but blush at his comment. "Was it okay for you, though?"

This is one thing I truly loved about Harry. He always made sure that I was feeling okay and if I'm comfortable with sertain things. Never had I feel pressured about doing something with Harry that was against my will. He was truly a gentleman.

"I'm really fine," I say. "Thank you for going gentle on my first time with you." But as I remember that this was supposed to be my first time, like truly first time, I became sad. I had to give away my virginity against my will to someone I didn't love. Someone I hate for that matter. Someone that made me feel worthless and dirty.

Harry had to sense something was wrong because he cupped my cheek in his big hand and looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asked. "Was it because I wasn't that gentle? Did I get carried away at some point? Did I hurt you? I only wanted you to be comfortable and-"

"No Harry." I interrupt. "It has nothing to do with you. You were perfect."

"Then what's wrong?" I couldn't help but let tears well up in my eyes. I didn't want to think about that night ever again, and now my stupid mind wants to bring it up just after I had an amazing night with Harry.

I put my hands infront of my face, trying to hide my tears from Harry. And because I felt stupid about my thoughts.

"Hey, baby." He says softly. I feel his fingers wrap around my hands and slowly pulling them away from my face. His brows immediately furrow when he sees my tears. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I'm sorry Harry," I say feeling like a complete idiot. I was supposed to forget about that night. Not think about it just after I slept with Harry.

"Sorry for what, baby?" Harry sits up in bed and brings me with him. He holds me tightly against his chest while rubbing his hand up and down on my back trying to calm me. "Please tell me what's wrong. It breaks my heart to see you like this."

Snifflung, I bring my head out from where it rested between Harry's shoulder and neck. I wipe a few tears that have fallen away from my face and take a deep breath.

"I can't help but think about last night." I begin. "You were so amazing and caring and... And I wish you were my first. I really wish you were the one to take my virginity. But then he had to come and take it. Asher had to come... He had to break me-" I begin to sob. I can't help it. I never wanted to relive that night but here I was making a big deal about it.

"Oh baby." He brings me back into his chest, resting his cheek on top of my head. "I understand how you feel, but don't let him bring you down, okay? You turned out to be such a strong, beautiful and caring women. Don't let that pig of a man bring you down. He is not worth any tear you shed over the situation. I know it hurts, and I really wish I could do something to make all your pain away."

He keep quiet for a few seconds to kiss my head. Then he brings me back to face him.

"Last night was your first. " I look at him with confusion. Doesn't he remember the story I told him? "I know you want everything to be your first, and I truly wish I could grant you that wish but it was your first time, okay? It was your first time that you were with someone that truly loves you, okay? I love you, with all my heart Janelle. Last night you were with someone that loves you so much that I'll take a bullet for you. It may not be like you wanted it to be, but I promise you, that was love. Last night was love."

I couldn't believe what he was saying. He is so perfect in every way.

Tears fall from my eyes again. I reach forward and tackle him into a hug.
"Oh Harry," I say with a big smile. "You mean the world to me. That means the world to me." I look him in the eye and then I lean forward and kiss him. I kiss him with such passion and love. I truly love this man.

"I want to meet them." He says against my lips. I lean back and look at him with furrowed brows.

"Who?" I ask.

"Your parents." He states. I wanted him to meet them for some time now, but I didn't want to rush Harry. I didn't know if he would be ready by then.

A big smile forms on my face. "Really?" I ask.

"Really baby. I want to thank them for taking you in and for raising such a beautiful women. A spectacular one to say the least." I couldn't help the smile on my face. It means so much to me that Harry wants to meet my parents. My foster parents. But to me they were my real parents. They say blood is thicker than water. But in life I learned that you need water to stay alive. My parents were my saving angels. And it meant so much to me that Harry wanted to meet them.

"I'll call my mom. Of she'll be so happy!" I say with excitement. Harry only chuckles and then lean in to kiss me.

Okay, I'll call my mom after I have made out with Harry...

"Hold me close through the night. Don't let me go, we'll be alright.
Touch my soul, and hold it tight. I've been waiting all my life."

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