Chapter 22 - The Story of Us

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Guys! I see Chapter 7 just disappeared. I'm busy rewriting it, but I truly can't remember what that chapter was about. I'm truly considering to just delete the chapter all together and change the chapter numbers that follow up. I don't know. I'm still deciding. Let me know what you think.
Enjoy the chapter!

"Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room and we're not speaking. And I'm dying to know is it killing you like it's killing me? Yeah.
I don't know what to say since a twist of fate when it all broke down. Now the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now."

Song: The Story of Us
Artist: Taylor Swift

I've been avoiding Harry, and so far, I've accomplished my goal. I know it won't be that long as I am his assistant and I actually have to work for him, but I'll take my chances.

It was a real struggle this morning. I don't want to face him. To be seen as just another woman by the man you love hurts a lot. It hurts more than I wanted to. After everything that happened with me, with him, I swore I will never let a man get close to me again. But of course, that didn't happen and Harry came crashing my walls down. I let it happen, again.

Harry's POV

What I said last night to Janelle was such a dick move. Another random woman. Really Harry? I could see the hurt on her face when I said that. I don't know what happened in her past but one thing is for sure, she got hurt real bad. And I just made is worst. I know I did.

I don't see Janelle as just another woman. I don't really know what I see her as but definitely more than just another woman. Since my wife's passing, I didn't want to be in a relationship again. I didn't even want to look at women again. Yes, the media made me seem like a man whore after Layla's passing, but I haven't done anything with a woman since Layla died. Well, that doesn't include the handjob Janelle gave me a few nights ago.

I feel like I'm cheating on my wife, as corny as that may sound. And I don't want Haley to forget her real mum. Well, she doesn't know her mum but still. Layla deserves that her daughter remembers who she is. Even if it's just a small memory or her name.

She always wanted to be a mum. She was so good with kids. I wanted to be married before we had kids, but that didn't work in our favour. But I won't change Haley for anything in the world.

Sometimes I wish it was me that went instead of Layla. Sometimes I wish there was a way I could bring her back. I know I mustn't think like that considering I have Janelle now, but I can't help to wish my wife back. I know it's not fair on Janelle either. I don't want her to think as just my rebound because I actually do like her. But love her? I'm not there yet.

Haley and I are on our way to see my mother. Things have been awkward with Janelle all morning. She had to sit in one of our meetings, as she is still my personal assistant and need to make notes for me. She didn't once look at me. I tried to make eye contact throughout the meeting but the only time she would look up from the papers was when someone else besides myself talked. It kinda sucks to be honest.

I know I hurt her feelings. I mean, she has these strong feelings for me that I can't return. Not yet, that is. I could see she was tired. I don't even know where she is staying. I tried to talk to her when she gave me my notes but she just turned around and walked out the door. This is why you don't have romantic feelings for your employees. I mean, I don't want to fire Janelle, but we can't also work like this.

"Daddy? Where is mommy?" Haley asks from the backseat. This makes my heartache. She thinks Janelle is her mum when she's not. But she doesn't understand that.

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