Chapter 33 - Falling

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"Forget what I said. It's not what I meant. And I can't take it back, I can't unpack the baggage you left."

Song: Falling
Artist: Harry Styles

*Isn't the album just incredible!!
Hope you enjoy this chapter, sorry for being MIA. Hope this over 2000 word chapter will make up for it. Enjoy! *


"Please come over to my hotel room. I really need to talk to you. It's important.
Please, I miss you. If you can, alone, please... 

All my love
H xxx"

I literally made Harry go to his hotel room last night. I just couldn't stand to see him at that stage. What he said really hurt me, and to be honest, it made me angry as well.

Little Haley slept with me last night. She enjoyed my parent's company so much that she didn't want to go with Harry back to his hotel room. I could see the hurt in Harry's eyes when Haley rejected him, but at that stage and time, I didn't care if his feelings were hurt or not. 

I know I told Harry that I won't try to replace Layla and take over when it comes to Haley, but last night... It actually felt good that Haley wanted me and not Harry. She chose me over Harry. Maybe that's the reason he wants to see me...

I didn't want to go see him, but my dad made me. He told me that no relationship will ever work out if there is no communication. Which is true, but this time Harry went too far. I ate all of his bullshit when he compared me to Layla and talked about her, but now he brought my parents into the mix. That's where I draw the line.

So here I am. In front of Harry's hotel. Of course, it's a big fancy building, not a small guest house. To be honest, what did I expect from Harry, really? Haley was out with my parents. My dad told me to take my time talking to her father. He and mom will most definitely enjoy their time with little Haley.

Taking a last deep breath, I walk through the glass doors. I've decided that I won't let Harry shut me up this time. I'm going to say what I want to say and think about myself for once. I don't care if I hurt his feelings. He didn't take my feelings into consideration every time he compared me to Layla. 

Looking at his message that he had sent me this morning with the address and room number, I walk over to the elevator and press number 6.

On the ride up, my thoughts were going wild. I had no idea what to expect and how to approach the conversation. Since the first time I met Harry and started working for him, I was scared to face him again. 

The elevator ride was too short because sooner than later I found myself in front of Harry's hotel door. The numbers 607 staring back at me. I took a deep breath and just went for it. My fist connected with the wooden door and then I waited.

I looked down at the boots I were wearing when the door opened. I looked up and was met with those mesmerising green eyes that I fell in love with.

"Hi." He softly said after a few seconds of silence. "Please come in."

Not saying a word, I stepped around him into his hotel room. Looking around, it was exactly how I expected it to be. Big and fancy. I heard the door closing behind me and turned around to look at him. He looked uncomfortable, just like I felt. But I decided not to show my discomfort. 

"You wanted to see me?" I ask formally. I didn't know how else to approach this. He wasn't saying anything and I just wanted to go home. 

"Please, sit down." Harry showed towards the couch in his room. I turned around and took a seat. He took a seat directly next to me with his hands crossed. 

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