Chapter 27 - Sober

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"We fall for each other at the wrong time. Only for a moment but I don't mind."

Song: Sober
Artist: Selena Gomez 

"Ugh! I really can't believe him." I say frustratedly with my fingers in my hair. I don't know what to think or what to do at this point.

"I know babe. Since the day I met Harry, I also didn't understand him." Alex takes my hand from my hair and gives it a light squeeze.

We decided to go to this cute little Italian restaurant down the street from the office. I couldn't be in that room a second longer with Harry or I would have exploded. Better saying, I maybe would have said something that would cost my job and my 'relationship."

"When did you meet him?" When Alex and I spoke last I was calling her to complain about the first time Harry kissed me that night in his office. She did not once say that she knew him or that she was pregnant. I thought best friends tell each other everything, no matter the distance. If I never found out the way I did, would I have ever known?

"I met him through Liam. When Harry decided to move to America he asked Liam to take over the London branch. That's why we moved here, remember. For Liam's job?" She asks. I only nod my head, remembering a faint memory of when they moved. "We met when he showed Liam all the ins and outs. Over the years as he and Liam are actually quite good friends, Harry came over a lot. Only with-"

She suddenly stops speaking and n furrow my brows looking at her with confusion.

"You know of... Harry had a.. wife." She looks at me with fear in her eyes knowing if she told me something I didn't know that there will surely be a fight between me and Harry.

"Yes, Layla. He told me about her." I say taking a drink from my coffee. She looks quite shocked.

"Wow, I can't believe he told you. If I didn't know Layla, I'm sure I would have never known." I stop drinking at her sentence, putting my coffee cup down.

"You knew Layla?" I ask.

"Yeah." She answered unbothered. "She was a sweet girl, went too soon."

"Yeah," I mumble not wanting to talk about Layla really. I hear it enough by Harry.

"How is Haley doing?" She asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"She's doing good. A sweet little girl but with a strong will just like her father." I smile thinking back at the cute little green-eyed girl.

"And you and Harry? Last time we spoke you went into a full panic attack about a kiss. Looks like there is more going on that just a kiss." She wiggles her eyebrows at me while taking a sip from her chocolate milkshake. If only she knew there's nothing really going on.

"I don't know really. He acts like my boyfriend but he hasn't asked me yet, you know. It's really confusing not knowing where I stand with him. I wish he can just grow some and tell me what he feels rather than keeping me on edge the whole time." This whole situation is making me frustrated all over again. Why must Harry be so difficult?

"He hasn't asked you?" She asks with shock. "He told Liam that you were his girlfriend." That left me quite with a shock.

"No, like I said. He acts like my boyfriend but he hasn't asked me. He makes me truly confused." Again I sign with my head in my hands. Maybe I won't ever understand Harry.

"Janelle," Alex asks again with a softer voice this time. I look up at her sympathy but caring eyes. "Have you told him yet?"

I knew exactly what she was talking about. She is the only one I ever told. I wanted to keep it that way for so long but maybe.. just maybe I'll tell Harry too.

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