Chapter 5 - Issues

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"Cause, I got issues. But you got them too. So give them all to me and I'll give mine to you."

Song: Issues
Artist: Julia Michaels

"Alright, tell me again what happened?"

I roll my eyes at my damn best friend. I told this story to her about five times already and she is acting this stupid.

"Alexa, come on! I told you that Harry kissed me about five times already. What don't you understand about that sentence?" I'm getting annoyed with her. This is serious! My fucking boss kissed me last night and here my wonderful best friend thinks it's a joke.

"Oh, I'm just kidding, El." She signs over the phone.

I won't admit it right now, but I miss my best friend. After everything settled down, I met her at school. I was the shy, new girl that was a little bit awkward. But this bubbly brunette swept me under her wing and from there on, we were inseparable. She became the sister I never had.

"What am I gonna do, Alex? He's my freaking boss. How am I gonna look him in the eye on Monday? Talk to him even?" I groan into my hands, already feeling a headache starting again. "Why did he had to make things difficult?"

"Maybe he likes you." She said as if it's the most obvious thing she can say.

"No Alexa. He can't like me. It's against company policy to start a relationship with someone you work with, never mind the CEO of the company. This is just so fucked up."

I hadn't closed an eye last night. All I could think about was the kiss. The kiss I so much enjoyed but was so wrong. I can't let that happen again, it won't happen again.

"What am I going to do?"

"Okay, first things first. You got to get a grip on yourself. This is nothing major, El. So stop worrying so much about it." That's one thing about Alexa. She doesn't take nonsense from anybody. "Second, on Monday. Go to the guy and talk. Maybe he likes you or it was just a spur of the moment type of thing. Don't act all shy or you don't remember what happened Friday night. Just talk to him." I nod my head, even though she can't see me.

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. I'll do it." I say trying to encourage myself as well. "Thanks for the help, Alexa."

"Anytime El. You know I'm here for ya."

After that, we said our goodbyes and I flop down on the bed again. Letting a long sign out, I rub my head because of the headache that is starting to form. Why did everything have to become this complicated? Why did Harry have to go and kiss me? Why, why, why was all that went through my head. I need to get a grip, maybe go out and get drunk.

Not thinking much, I call Claire. Alexa can't come because she is al the way in California with her business husband. He is a great guy, met him once at their wedding. Yeah, I'm a terrible best friend...

I hear a click on the phone then Claire's soft voice comes through the speaker. "Hello?"

"Hey Claire, how are you?"

"Oh, hi Janelle. I'm good and you?" She is always so cheerful, always happy. Why can't I be like that?

"Um, I guess okay. Um, listen. Do you think we can maybe go out tonight? Like a club or something?" I just want to get drunk, make me forget everything for just a little while.

"Um, sure. Is everything fine?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Meet me at my house? I'll text you the address." It's not that I don't trust Claire to tell her what happened, it's just she works for Harry as well. I don't want her to think differently about her boss.

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