Chapter 23 - Little do you know

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So, I decided to delete chapter 7 and just renumber the chapters that follow. At the 'new' chapter 7 that was originally chapter 8 I just added a few paragraphs so the story still makes sense. You can go read it if you want. Enjoy this update!

"Little do you know, I'm still haunted by the memories.
Little do you know, I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece."

Song: Little do you know
Artist: Alex and Sierra

Harry's POV

I'm talking to Janelle today. After my "talk" with Layla yesterday, I feel better somehow. I'm not there yet 100% but I want to start a relationship with her. I want to start growing my feelings for her. I don't care what people are going to say or think. I like her, and for once again I'm going to do what makes me happy.

I'm back in London now to do what I came to do. I just needed a breather yesterday, and the trip to my mom didn't sound that bad at that stage. 

I'm still trying to figure out where she's staying but can't seem to get ahold of her. She's not answering my texts or calls which I guess is fair. What I said was a complete dick move.

Me: Baby... please. Just tell me where you are...

After the twentieth text today with still no reply I feel absolutely hopeless. I knew I said some hurtful things but I didn't think I hurt her that much. How am I going to find out where she is? Is she safe? Warm? Is she fed?

I get snapped out of my thoughts by Liam walking into the conference room. He sits in front of me looking at me with pity eyes. I hate pity.

"Heard anything from her?" He asks me. I slowly look up at him giving him a shrug.

"Nothing," I reply. "I just wish I knew if she was safe, you know."

"I know how you feel. If Alexa just up and left I will be an emotional wreck." He doesn't really know how I feel because it never happened to him before. He is happily married with a baby on the way. Me? I can't even keep one girl.

"Don't worry man, she'll come around. Just give it some time." Yeah, she's not coming back. Liam stands up, gives me a pat on the shoulder then walks out the room leaving me once again alone.

"Mr Styles?" I female voice calls from the door. I look up and see Liam's secretary. "Here is a young lady that wants to see you."

"Who is it?" I ask unbothered.

"I think her name's Jane? Elle? I can't really remember." Damn, she's dumb. How does Liam work with her? I would've fired her by now.

"Just send her in," I reply looking out the window. I hear someone walk in but I don't even bother to look at the door.

"Harry?" Her small voice asks. Immediately I snap my head towards her.

"Janelle," I whisper walking quickly towards her. "I was so worried," I say wrapping my arms around her but she immediately pushes me away.

"Harry please." She whispers. I look at her but only see her sad eyes staring back at me. I did that to her...

"Are you okay? I tried calling you, texting you but you never replied. Where are you staying? Are you safe? Did you-"

"Harry." She interrupts. "I came here to tell you... I want to quit my job."

Wait, what?

"What? No! Why do you-"

"I can't work for you, Harry." She interrupts again. "I can't walk every day into the office and pretend I don't feel anything for you! What you said to me hurt me so badly, Harry. I haven't felt that hurt in a long time. I thought everything was going okay for once, but that never works out for me. But I understand you don't feel the same way. I'm just really sad that Haley had to get dragged into our nonsense. Please tell her I'm sorry and that I did love her. But this is just the best for us."

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