Chapter 44 - Something Just Like This

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"Just something I can turn to, somebody I can kiss.
I want something just like this."

Song: Something just like this.
Artists: The Chainsmokers & Coldplay

Guys! So sorry for not updating in a while. I had some major writers' block and I just couldn't come up with anything and wrote this chapter what feels like a hundred times. I know where I want to take the story, but just had some difficulty to get there.
Hope you like this!

Harry was busy with the papers to make me able to officially adopt Haley and become her mother. It's been a long process, about four months now, but I couldn't be more than happy to take this step.

I was afraid Harry won't be on board the idea. I know at the beginning of our relationship he had a big issue of me wanting to replace her mom. But he was happy with the idea. In fact, he brought it up again a week after I asked him to say he is busy with the papers. 

The baby is growing nicely as well. We are planning to tell Haley tonight at dinner. We both decided to wait a few months, not only did we also need time to get used to the idea, but we wanted to be out of the danger zone before telling everyone. At my last ultrasound a few weeks back, the doctor said it was safe to start telling everyone we are expecting.

I couldn't wait to tell my parents. We planned a trip to tell them, as well as Harry's parents. But we both decided that little Haley should be the first one to know. 

"You ready, baby?" Harry asks peeking his head through our bathroom door. 

"Almost," I say applying my lipstick. I feel his presence behind me when I put the tube of lipstick down on the bathroom counter. He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his hands on my stomach. 

It's not big, just a little baby bump you can hardly see. You would say I look rather bloated than pregnant.

I watch Harry through the mirror while his eyes are fixed on my stomach. 

"What are you thinking about?" I ask him softly.

"Just how lucky I am." He replies finding my eyes in the mirror. I give him a small smile back. "I can't believe I'm having another baby again."

"Do you want to know the gender of the baby?" I ask. "My appointment is next week, and the doctor said we should see something."

"Of course! That's the most exciting part of the pregnancy." He says grinning from ear to ear. I only chuckle at him, turning around in his arms to look at him in the eye.

"I'm so excited," I say, giving him a kiss on the lips.

"Me too baby." I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down for a hug. "Now let's go tell Haley."

Harry took my hand and together we went downstairs where Haley was seated at the dinner table waiting for us. We planned to go out to have dinner but decided last minute, literally when we came down the stairs, that we will stay in to tell her. That way, if she takes the news terribly, we will be in the comfort of our home when she has her tantrum.

"Hi, little Haley. How are you doing little lady?" I ask leaning down to give her a kiss on the forehead then taking a seat in front of her at the dinner table.

"I'm good, mummy." She had her ballerina doll on the table in front of her that Harry bought for her a few days back. She brought home a very good report card from school stating she's a very helpful and disciplined little girl. Well, a good report card that pre-school can give. In exchange for her good report card, she got a ballerina doll.

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