Chapter 3 - Right now

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"Cause right now, everything is new to me."

Song: Right now
Artist: One Direction

With a sign, I put the phone back in its holder. Who thought making calls can be this tiring? I put my elbows on my desk and with another big sign, I run my fingers through my hair, making sure not to mess my bun up.

A knock on my door snapped me out of my tiring state. With a small "Come in" I see Claire's smiling face coming through the gap of my office door.

"Want to grab some lunch?" She asks. That's exactly what I need right now and maybe some strong coffee. I take a glance at the clock seeing it's already 1 o'clock. What time am I allowed to go to lunch?

"Don't worry. You can take lunch now. Mr Styles won't mind." Claire says as if reading my mind. With a nod, I stand up from my chair and grab my handbag. I follow Claire out the door and to the elevator. As the doors open I'm met again with those blue eyes I saw this morning.

"Miss Janelle. Long-time no see." Ethan says with a smile. He then reverts his eyes to Claire standing next to me. "Hi, Claire. How are you?"

"I'm doing fine Ethan. Here to see Mr Styles?" She asks with a tint of red cheeks.

"Yeah, just need to go over some things for the meeting this afternoon. Is he in his office?" Ethan looks Claire up and down before locking eyes with her.

"Yeah. Janelle and I are just going to get some lunch real quick. We'll be back in about an hour." Ethan nods and bids us goodbye before walking down the hall to Mr Styles office. Claire and I walk into the elevator with a smirk on my face.

"What?" She asks eyeing me.

"Oh, nothing." I shrug. It looks like she has a small crush.

Not long, Claire and I are seated in this cute little Italian restaurant waiting for our food. It's not very far from Styles Inc. so we decided to just walk down the street to the restaurant. The whole walk down, Claire tried to change the topic about Ethan every time I brought it up but I think she has a little crush on the handsome guy.

"So, how do you know Ethan?" Claire asks taking a bite out of her sandwich. This is the first time since being in this restaurant that she is mentioning something about Ethan.

"Oh, I met him this morning in the elevator on my way up. Really nice guy and very good looking too." I say with a smile, waiting for her reaction.

Her smile drops immediately. "Yeah, he's a nice guy." She mumbles.

I look at her before I burst out laughing. "Claire! I'm joking. I mean, yeah, the guy is good looking and the total package but I know you like him. I'm not the type of friend to go after the guy her friend likes."

She looks at me with a dumbfounded look on her face. "How did you.., I mean when did you-"

"Oh, come on Claire." I cut her off. "Anyone with eyes can see you like him."

"Is it that obvious?" She asks with red-tinted cheeks.

"I mean.. yeah. It's pretty obvious." I chuckle. I take a sip of my coffee before taking a bite out of my sandwich, still looking at Claire.

"Oh my word, if you saw it that means Ethan knows too. Oh, this is so embarrassing." Quickly she holds her hands in front of her face looking down. I couldn't help but smile at her. Once in my life, I was also this happy and embarrassed about my crush. But that is a very long time ago.

"Don't be embarrassed. It's cute. And I think he likes you too." Slowly she takes her hands away from her face and looks at me.

"Don't be silly Janelle. I mean, look at Ethan then look at me. He'll never like a girl like me."

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