Chapter 34* - Secret Love Song

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"It's obvious you're meant for me. Every piece of you, it just fits perfectly. Every second, every thought, I'm in so deep.

Song: Secret Love Song
Artist: Little Mix ft. Jason Derulo

Sorry for the long wait. Here is a long chapter to make up for the long time waiting. 

Mine and Harry's relationship couldn't be better. For a long time now, we don't have any arguments, disagreements or Harry's mood swings. He's not so close off any more, he is open towards me and tells me everything that's on his mind. The decision he made by getting rid of Layla's ring was really the stepping stone that was missing in order to move forward in our relationship. It was for the best.

We are back in New York now, our time spend with my parents were amazing. After Harry and I talked things out in his hotel room, he decided to come with me and stay at my parent's house. He was so good to my parents. He and my dad instantly clicked because of the same sense of football. I'm sure my mom only fell for his charm and good looks. Hell, that's how he captured my heart. Little Haley absolutely adored my parents. Since we came home a week ago, she's been constantly asking about them. Every time I'm over at Harry's house, I have to FaceTime my parents so Haley could talk to them.

Harry, Liam and Mr Rodgers has been on the person's ass that's stealing the money. There was more money send over into the American account, but not that much as before. I'm sure they are sensing that Harry's busy to figure this whole situation out, and don't want to risk getting caught.

Tonight Harry is treating me on a date. I love this Harry I'm beginning to know. He is sweet, loving, caring... Everything I've always dreamed of having in a man.

"You ready, my sweet love?" A voice snaps me out of my thoughts and makes my eyes snap up to my office door. The office still doesn't know about our relationship, and I'm not sure when Harry would like to make it public. Maybe I'll bring that up tonight.

"Yes, just let me finish this email to Mr Tomlinson." I replay typing quickly my response to Eleanor.

"Alright love, I'll see you downstairs." He gives me a smile before closing my door behind him. After Eleanor indicated that she got my email, I shut my computer off and clean my desk. Grabbing my handbag, I make my way downstairs where Harry's waiting for me in his car.

This was our routine these last couple of days, me taking a ride with Harry. As we both are working pretty late, there are almost no employees that could witness me getting into Harry's car every night. I've been staying over at Harry's house more and more. You could say I've practically moved in.

"Where are we going?" I ask as I get in his car. I look over at Harry that already has a smirk on his face.

"That, my love, you'll soon find out."

The car ride spend to the location was quiet. Just Harry's hum of a song every now and then. I love it when he sings. He has the most beautiful voice but he won't sing for me. I just get the answer "I can't sing to save my life, Janelle," every time I ask him to sing for me.

I find it weird that Harry didn't make a quick stop at his penthouse so we could change out of our work clothes. But I guess working for Mr Harry Styles himself has its perks. I'm dressed everyday very stylish... Not like I dressed at the beginning of my career.

Not long, Harry stops in front of a very fancy looking restaurant. I didn't expect much less from Harry as he likes to go to fancy restaurants, I have learned. Coming around to open my door, Harry takes my hand with a smile and leads me towards the restaurant.

"Styles," Harry says to the hostess. She looks down at the list in front of her, before giving us both a smile and leading us towards the back of the restaurant where our table is at.

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