Chapter 37 - Please Don't Go

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"Nobody ever knows. Nobody ever sees. I left my soul, back there now I'm too weak."

Song: Please don't go
Artist: Joel Adams

Harry's POV (The night of the incident)

"Harry, we have to meet tonight. We have to discuss what we want to do going forward." Liam says over the phone. Fredrick, the detective in London, got a potential lead on our case, and wants to discuss is with William and me.

I sign, "Can't we wait until tomorrow night? I'm supposed to take Janelle out tonight."

"Harry, this meeting is really important. We have a potential lead."

"Ugh, fine. I'll reschedule with her. What time?"

"Half-past six? Fredrick will be with me."

"I'll call William." We say our goodbyes. With a sign, I put my phone rather aggressively back on my table. I really wanted to take Janelle out tonight. I know she's just as stressed about this whole thing as I am, and I just wanted her to relax a little.

Shaking my head at myself and my work circumstances, I grab my phone from my table and walk over to Janelle's office. I really hate to cancel on her.

Baby?" I ask as I open her door after a quick knock. She was busy on her computer but looked up at me as I spoke to her. I know it's an hour later than she's supposed to leave. But we were supposed to go on a date, and I'm sure she only waited for me. Going inside her office, I close the door behind myself and take a seat in front of her desk. "I've got some bad news."

"What is it?" She asks immediately, concern on her face.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to go on our date tonight. Liam, William, Fredrick and I have an emergency meeting about matters we have to discuss tonight." I tried not to show my disappointment of the matter, but I was just as bumped about the whole thing as she is. She tries to hide her disappointment, but I can see right through her.

"Is everything okay?" She decides to ask.

"Yes, baby, nothing to be worried about." I give her a small smile while standing up and walking over to her side. "I promise I'll make it up to you." I look sincerely in her eyes. This isn't how I wanted our night to go. She stands up from her seat and wraps her arms around my neck.

"To be quite honest, a warm bath and a good book sound just as appealing to me." She tries to reassure me.

"Thank you for understanding," I say leaning in to kiss her. Damn, I love this woman.

"What about Haley? She sorted?" She immediately asks. I love how concern she is about Haley.

"Yeah, Claire will still stay with her as arranged before I had to cancel."

"I could look after her," She immediately says without any hesitation.

"Don't worry about that tonight, baby. You need some rest too. I know this thing is also emotionally making you tired. Have a lovely bath tonight, a glass of wine with that book. The only thing missing will be me and Haley." I kiss her again. "I'll miss you. My driver will drive you home."

"I insist, Harry. Claire also has a life out of the office. And I would like to spend some time with Haley."

"You sure? I don't want you to feel you have to."

"I don't feel like that at all. I want to. You can come to get her from me when you're done." She gives me one of those gorgeous smiles. A smile I couldn't resist.

"Alright, I'll arrange with Claire to drop her at your place." And then my phone rings in my pocket. Seeing it's Liam, I give one last kiss to Janelle and walk back to my office.

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