Chapter 30* - Love Me Like You Do

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"I'll let you set the pace, cause I'm not thinking straight. My head's spinning around, I can't see clear no more.
What are you waiting for?"

Song: Love Me Like You Do
Artist: Ellie Goulding 

They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

After my encounter at the cemetery, I knew Harry's life was nothing made of lemonade. Losing a wife and then having to take care of your firstborn baby without the help of your wife was surely difficult. In the past I could never understand why Harry was such a private and mysterious man, but now as I see a little bit more of his life, I begin to understand him better.

Harry is no angel that had the perfect life. He was a real person with real struggles in life. Hard struggles.

As I sit on the private jet with Haley sleeping across my lap and Harry taking a nap at my side, I knew this is where I was supposed to be. I was supposed to be with this man that didn't think he would ever see the light again, and a perfect little girl that may not be my own flesh and blood but sure feels like my own. I love these two people with my life and whole heart. I would do anything for them in a heartbeat.

"Janelle?" A groggy voice asks from beside me. I turn my head and look at  Harry that has just woken up.

"Hey, slept well?" I ask quietly, still aware of the sleeping child on my lap.

"Yeah, I needed that." He gives me a small smile before closing his eyes for another second. "I love you." he mumbles before opening that beautiful green eyes I fell in love with.

"I love you too." I reply back with a smile. He leans in closer and gives me a quick peck on the lips. "Thank you for doing what you did today." I say what has been on my mind since we left the cemetery.

"You deserved that." He explains, but he was so wrong. He needed that. He deserved to get the closure he needed. He needed to finally let go of the past and move on to the future. Haley is his future. And I sure as hell hope I'm his future.

I didn't reply and just laid my head on his shoulder. Haley cuddles herself closer to me, and for the first time in a while, I fall asleep with a smile on my face. I'm finally happy. I have finally found my safe haven in life.


The next couple of days had been very stressful. With Harry being gone for a long time, things at the office went downhill. It looks like without Harry being there to guide and boss every one around, nothing will happen around here.

So, to try and catch up on work has been very stressful. And it also didn't help that Harry was not in the best of  moods these couple of days.

I still stayed at my own apartment most nights of the week, but with a struggle. Harry doesn't want me to stay at that side of the town anymore, as it's not the safest, but that's my home. He tried making me move in with him, but we've been official for a few days now, I didn't  want to mess that up.

No one at the office knew about mine and Harry's relationship so far. He wanted to keep it private. I thought that with everything we went through he would finally want to tell everyone about us, but surely I was wrong. Sometimes I don't understand how his mind works. But, I have agreed. He has his unknown reasons. When he's ready, then we'll tell everyone.

As I said, most nights I stay at my apartment but Harry does get it right every now and then to make me stay at his penthouse. He claims he needs cuddles from his "favorite big girl." Haley made him understand clearly that she is his favorite 'little' girl and I'm his favorite 'big' girl. We joked about that for hours but Haley was dead serious when she said that. 

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