Chapter 11 - Dangerous woman

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So, yesterday I wrote madly to give you guys something to make up for the time I didn't update. I really hope you like this chapter. Be prepared!
Remember to vote and comment!

"Don't need permission, made my decision to test my limits."

Song: Dangerous woman
Artist: Ariana Grande

This is the second time I'm at Harry's penthouse and to say I was still amazed is an understatement. I still can't get over the beautiful decor that surrounds the big open space.

"What do you want for dinner?" Harry asks walking over to his kitchen leaving me standing at the elevator still in awe. Putting my purse and jacket down on the nearby table I walk over to the kitchen where I see him busying himself at the fridge.

"Anything," I reply sitting at the barstool at the counter just watching him. "Are you going to cook?"

"Of course, darling. Can't let my guest go hungry now can I?" He asks with a smirk on his face while sitting different ingredients on the kitchen counter.

I can't believe that this is the same man that was screaming at me just a few hours ago and now here he is looking at me lovingly with smirks and cooking me dinner.

"What are you making?" I ask sitting so my hand is supporting my head while looking at him as he cooks. He took his suit jacket off and rolled his white button-up, up. Tattoos I've never seen before lingers his muscular tanned arms.

"I'm thinking about some fried chicken and vegetables?" He asks. I nod my head at the idea still looking at his tattooed arms. I would've never pictured him as the type of guy to wear tattoos. He always seemed like a professional type.

I look at Harry while he cooks, finding it fascinating that this big CEO knows how to cook. Not long our food is finished and on the table. Harry takes a seat at the head of the table and I take the seat to his right. I look down at the delicious food in front of me, eager to take a bite. I reach for my knife and fork, stabbing it into my piece of chicken and bring it up to my lips. Taking a bite I mentally moan at the delicious flavours in my mouth.

"Is it alright?" Harry suddenly asks. I look over at him to see he is looking at me with his dish still sitting in front of him untouched.

"Yes, it's delicious," I say while taking another bite. I never knew this businessman could cook like this.

"You sure? I can make you something else if you don't like it." He looks me in the eye making sure I'm telling him the truth.

"I'm sure, Harry. This is delicious." I say. He nods then pick his fork and knife up and start eating himself.

The rest of the dinner is silent, only the constant clinking of our knives and forks touching the plate could be heard.

After dinner, Harry took our plates to the kitchen then came back and took my hand in his. He takes us to the living room, sitting down on the couch and turn the TV on. For a while we watched television but I soon decided to ask what was up with his mood today.

"Harry?" I ask quietly looking over to him where he is concentrating on the television before him.

"Hmm?" He mumbles looking at me for a second before looking back at the television.

I start to fiddle with my fingers in my lap nervous to ask him why he was acting so strange. With a deep breath and a mental pep talk I just ask him.

"Why were you so mean to me today?" His eyes look down at the ground in front of the television before looking back up. He signs and takes the remote beside him and switch the television off. He then turns to me putting his arm at the back of me. He looks me deep in the eye before starting to speak.

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