Chapter 20* - Say you won't let go

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"I knew I loved you then but you'd never know. Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go. I know I needed you but I never showed. But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old."

Song: Say you won't let go
Artist: James Arthur

Guys! So sorry for not updating in forever. Just a few personal things have been happening and I just couldn't keep up. I needed a break. But here is another chapter for you after so long. Hope you like it.

Just want to give a shoutout to @AralisRamirez. Thank you for messaging me to ask about whether I'm going to finish the book or not. You really gave me the strength to go on and to show that there are people who love this book. Thank you to all my fans!

"Mummy?" I look from the door Harry just walked out of towards the little girl sitting beside me.


"No no, um.. look. I'm not-"

"Look what I draw today." She interrupts me walking over to her carry on bag and pulling out a sheet of paper. She then walks back over to me and sits on my lap.

I look down at the paper in her small hands seeing three stick figures. One very tall with wild curly hair, a shorter one with long brown hair and then a small figure with blonde hair all holding hands. Hearts drew all around the stick figures.

"That's daddy." She points to the wild curly hair one. "You." She points to the next stick figure. "And me." She points to the last small stick figure. "We're finally a happy family." I sadly look down at the little girl in my lap. She doesn't know what it feels like to have a family, a real one, to show her love. Her only wish is to have a mum and dad who will love her unconditionally.

"It's very beautiful." I murmur still looking at the picture in her hands. Such a small act that means so much to me.

"You can have it," She says excitedly giving me the piece of paper. I take it into my hands and give her a small smile.

"Thank you, Haley." I give the little girl a hug feeling her little arms wrapped around my neck tightly. I look at the time on my wristwatch and see it's already past her bedtime. "Come little munchkin, it's time for bed."

I follow the little girl to her bedroom in the suite. Switching the lights on, I walk over to the bed and pull the covers open. I help her into the bed and pull the covers over her again.

"Will you stay with me until I'm asleep?" She asks me in a small voice. I nod my head and sit down next to her combing my fingers through her hair. Not long and the little girl is fast asleep in dreamland.

Signing, I quietly switch the lights off and walk out of the room. I walk over to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water. As I take a sip, the door of the hotel suite opens and in walks Harry looking very exhausted and stressed. He throws his suit jacket and briefcase on the couch then taking a seat next to it with his head in his hands.

Not knowing if I should approach him in this state or not, I decided it would be better to try and figure out what's happening with the company. It seems not so well.

I put my glass down on the kitchen counter then make my way over to him. Taking a seat beside him, I softly put my hand on his back rubbing up and down. It's quiet for a few seconds before I started to talk.

"How was it?" I quietly ask. He signs in his hand but doesn't answer right away. A few minutes past with no answer. "I need to talk to you-"

"Someone is stealing the companies money and transferring it to America." He interrupts me. That left me completely speechless. Someone is stealing money from him?

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