Chapter 38 - Soon You'll Get Better

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"The buttons of my coat were tangled in my hair. In doctor's office lightning, I didn't tell you I was scared."

Song: Soon you'll get better
Artist: Taylor Swift

Harry's POV

"Has she woken up yet?" My mum asks coming into the hospital room with Haley following behind her. My mum immediately came to New York when she heard about what happened with Janelle. She offered to look after Haley as she knew I would spend most of my time in the hospital with Janelle.

"No, not yet," I answer with a sign, rubbing my tired eyes. Haley came running over to me, making me pick her up and put her on my lap.

It's been four days since the incident, and Janelle hasn't woken up from her coma. The doctor has put her under a medical coma to help let the swelling around her brain go down a little. It was not life-threatening, but he didn't want to take any chances. She had a little swelling around her brain, as the doctor suspects that she must've hit her head pretty hard for that to happen. She also had a broken jaw, which was fixed under surgery four days ago. She only got a hard punch to her nose, but luckily not broken. She has a few bruises on her face, stomach, arms and legs. I was glad Janelle was okay under circumstances. But I also got some surprising news from the doctor.


It's day two and Janelle was still in her coma. Doctor Adams had put her in a coma to help the swelling go down around her brain. I just wish I can hold her again. See her smile and tell her how much I love her. I'm so angry at myself for cancelling on her that night. If we went on our date, none of this would've happened. Yes, that bastard would've still broken into her house, but she wouldn't have been there.

Looking at her in that hospital bed, unconscious with bruises littering her face, I couldn't help but let my tears fall. I need her. I can't lose her. She's my love, the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love her.

Luckily my mom came from England to help me with Haley. I don't know what I would've done without her. I also called Janelle's parents, and they were in a bad state. Janelle's dad couldn't get leave from work, so they asked me to keep them updated. I want to call that boss and give him a piece of my mind. That man's daughter is in hospital in a critical condition, and they don't want to give him leave? How can a person be so heartless?

"Mr Styles?" I look up towards the door and see doctor Adams stand there. Wiping my few fallen tears, I stand up to greet him. "How are you holding up?"

"Good, under circumstances. Do you know when she'll wake up?" I ask.

"Usually these comas don't last long, but it is up to the type of body the patient has. She can wake up in a few days, weeks or even months." I close my eyes at this information. I don't want it to be months. I need to talk to her. Tell her how sorry I am for leaving her alone to defend herself. "The reason I came to see you, is because some of Miss Wilson's tests came back. Her nose wasn't broken, we did operate on her broken jaw yesterday. That should heal quickly while she's under the coma. Other than that she only has a few bruises here and there. She did get a hard kick in her stomach area, but we did check on the baby and he is fine. Nothing to be worried about."

I look at him with a confused face. Eyebrows pulled together. "Baby?" I ask.

"Yes, we did some blood test and internal test, to find out if Miss Wilson was maybe at the chance of rape or something. The blood tests came back and we found out that Miss Wilson is expecting. We did an ultrasound this morning, and everything seems fine with your baby." I didn't know what to say. I didn't know Janelle was pregnant... Did she know?

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