3. Just Kiss Me Already

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Over the next couple of weeks, we become extremely close. We hang out almost everyday that Nolan is in town. School is starting to get busy, but I do my homework either at Nolan's apartment or at Finn's with him sitting across from me.

We just want to spend all our time together.

The first time we kissed was outside of Finn's one night. It was building all night and finally we just kissed real soft and slow. He was nervous but so was I.

He kept looking at my lips while I was talking and since we were already standing close together, it was no surprise when he leaned in and kissed me after I had finished whatever sentence.

I kissed him back right away but it ended all too soon. It was a wonderful kiss, simple and sweet and something I won't ever forget. I never felt so sparked by one kiss like I did during that one.

We aren't anything official, but like I said, we hang out almost everyday and kiss like we are official.

Alex still tries to hit me up, but since I'm always at Nolan's, it's easy to avoid him.

Today is a Thursday in the middle of September. Nolan is in New York for a preseason game and he'll be home tonight around seven.

We've been texting all day.



Will you come over tonight?🙏🏼 I miss you

Yes! Text me when you're almost home and I'll catch the bus

Yay! Can't wait

I miss you bestie

You too baby
Why don't you stay over?
I can drive you to class, I have a day off tomorrow

Okay but I can't miss my nine am class, do you mind getting up early on your day off?

No problem, I wanna cuddle tonight

Samantha 🔥
Baby nolan needs cuddles

So does Sammy, don't lie

Fine you got me
I miss your cuddles

I knew it
Anyways I gotta go, we're heading to the rink
I'll text you after the game

Okay good luck babe


I sigh happily and drop my phone in my backpack and straighten up in my desk. I'm in my communications class, the one I share with Alex, and he's sitting next to me on his phone. We always talk in class like friends. He's a good friend, I just don't want to keep hooking up with him.

But now that I met Nolan, I don't really wanna hook up with anyone other than Nolan.

"What's up, Sam? You gonna go out tonight?" Alex asks me.

I shake my head. "I don't think so. A friend asked me to hang out."

"A friend, huh? Who do you hang out with besides us?" He asks, sounding a little jealous. He's right though. Other than Nolan, I hang out with our small group of friends every other minute of my time.

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