31. Ice It

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"Nolan?" I yell once I enter his apartment. "Are you ready?"

We're going on our date today. I've been staying at Nolan's since I finished my exams. I just went down to the tenth floor lounge to get a snack from the vending machine. Nolan's apartment is low on snacks.

"One second!" He yells from his bedroom. I go to sit on the living room couch while I wait. I know he said it'll only be a second, but sometimes he takes longer than me to get ready.

It's lightly snowing outside, but nothing too extreme. It's the kind of snow that's soft and fluffy but is sticking to the ground. A light layer covers the city. Perfect winter weather.

I'm wearing a pair of jeans, a long sleeve tee with three buttons at the bottom of a scoop neckline, and my winter coat, along with a fuzzy hat and some gloves. We're going to the River Rink, which is an outdoor ice rink in Center City along the Delaware River.

We'll most likely get dinner at a local restaurant afterwards.

"Okay, you ready?" Nolan announces as he exits his room, shutting the door behind him.

I stand up and nod. "Yep." I look him over while I meet him at the front door. He's wearing dark jeans and a sweatshirt, a beanie over his hair. "You won't be cold?" I ask, slipping my hands under his Flyers sweatshirt to check if he's wearing a shirt underneath.
He is.

He shakes his head. "I'll be alright. It's over 40 degrees out," he replies as if it's obvious. 40 degrees is pretty cold to me, but I know better than to force him to wear a real coat. The kid knows himself.

I just give him a look and lead the way out. He stops to lock the door but then takes my hand as we go to the elevator.

Down in the parking garage, Nolan rushes ahead of me to open the passenger door for me and offers me his hand to use in order to get up into the SUV. I accept, all while grinning.

"So sweet," I say to him as I buckle my seat belt. He rubs my knee and winks before shutting my door and getting in the drivers side.

"Just wanna impress you on our date," he says as he starts the engine.

"Aww thanks babe," I say and rest my hand on his thigh while he drives. It's cute how he's still so committed to the little things. I know we've only been dating for about three months, but we spend nearly every minute possible together. It feels like so much longer, in the best way.

It's only a ten minute or so drive to the river rink. It's not incredibly crowded either, since it's a Sunday night. Nolan grabs his skates from the back seat and then takes my hand as we approach the entrance.

It only costs $6 to get us on the ice and $10 for my skate rentals. We go to a bench by the ice to get our skates on, but I know I'm useless so I just sit patiently while Nolan laces up his own skates.

"I can't believe you wouldn't just let me buy you real skates," he says once he's ready to go himself. He swiftly kneels on the ground in front of me to tie mine up, making a face at the tan rental skates. "I could even buy you pretty white ones that figure skaters wear. If you don't want hockey skates," he rambles on.

I playfully roll my eyes at him. He's been going on about this ever since I suggested we go ice skating. "It's not like I need them," I counter. "The only times I would use them would be with you."

He glances up at me through his long eyelashes with a cute and innocent smile. "You know we've got the team Christmas party thing next week. I'll get you a pair by then," he says.

"Nolan," I whine as he finishes tying my left skate tightly. "What, is it too tight?" He asks. "You don't want it to be too loose or you'll break your ankles."

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