22. A Natural

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The next morning, I wake up to sun streaming through the large window. It looks like neither of us remembered to close the curtains.

Nolan is lightly snoring beside me. I roll over and reach for my phone sitting on the bedside table. Once I pick it up I see that it's just after seven in the morning. Nolan usually wakes up at seven on game days- because morning skate is at nine. I wonder why his alarm didn't go off.

I lightly shake his bare shoulder and say his name to wake him up. I don't want him to stress about waking up late. He's a little bit OCD about being on time for things.

He groans and I sigh. "Nolan, don't you have to be up already?"

At that, his eyes fly open and he sits up in panic. I lean back in quiet amusement as he reaches over me for his phone. After a mere second, he drops his phone back on the table and plops back down next to me. "I forgot. It's optional since we had a long practice yesterday," he says.

"And you're skipping?" I ask. I didn't think the word 'optional' had any meaning to him.

"Just cuz my family is here," he explains.

I nod and curl up to his side, letting my head fall on his chest. I feel like I got to know his parents and sister Aimee as much as anyone could in a few hours yesterday. I think it went well- great actually. They seemed to really enjoy speaking to me and learning about me.

Honestly, it makes me want Nolan to meet my family. My mom would love him, and after initial scrutiny so would my dad. He's a chill guy, skeptical, but pretty easy going.

My older brother James would probably put on his whole protective act for an hour or so, but then drop it once he realizes how genuine Nolan is. As for my younger brother Chris, he would just be excited to meet a pro athlete. And my sister is still young; she's only five and thinks everyone is her best friend.

"So my mom invited you to the house for Thanksgiving," I start and then add quickly, "If you're not busy with hockey or anything."

Nolan looks down at me and smiles. "Of course I'll go, lemme check our game schedule," he says sweetly and reaches for his phone. I sit up straighter and lean my head on his shoulder to watch him scroll through his iPhone calendar.

"We just have a home game the day after, so tell your mom that your bringing a plus one," he says to me. I grin and blush. "Thank you."

He kisses me then, and I put my hand around the back of his neck and tug him closer. It quickly progresses until I'm on top of his body, straddling him and forcing us closer together until there is no space between us.

I know everyone is crazy about sex, but sometimes kissing can give the same feelings. There's nothing like a good old fashioned make out. Especially with him.

I almost forgot I was wearing only one of his T-shirt's until his hands so easily move my panties aside. I separate from his lips an inch, no a centimeter, prepared to say what I said yesterday. We can't do this with his family in the other room.

But before I can utter the words, his fingers are inside me, pumping in and out slowly and making me moan. I cover my mouth with my own hand and shut my eyes as he continues.

Without pause, he swiftly flips me onto the mattress beside him and leans over to kiss my neck. His fingers get faster and faster, making me squirm and muffle many moans. But then he stops and I open my eyes.

He pulls my panties down and leaves them at the end of the bed. We make eye contact as he moves in between my legs and raises my knees so that I'm exposed. He smirks at me, in his stupid confidant but shy way, and I blush like crazy.

He puts his mouth on me, and reinserts his fingers at the same time. He has never done this to me before. Actually, no one has done this to me before. And holy shit it feels good.

His tongue traces circles around that spot circuitously until eventually- finally- he hits it over and over, pace matching the fast movement of his fingers in and out. I use the hand that's not covering my mouth to thread into his hair. My back arches off the mattress and Nolan's free hand wraps around my upper thigh and softly pushes my stomach back down. It feels too good.

It's too much to think through, and the hand which I had been covering my mouth joins the other in his hair. My eyes screw shut and I can feel it building. I moan his name and he smiles- I can feel him smile.

It sets me over the edge. I come completely undone, legs stiffening and shaking and I bite down on my lip to control the scream that is stuck in my throat.

I forget all about the circumstances. That it's not even 8 in the morning. There's a game in a few short hours. His family is only short distances away...

Without saying anything, and while I'm still in la la land, Nolan moves up to lay next to me again. He positions his arms around my torso and squeezes me. The contrast of this tender touch after such a sensual act puts butterflies in my stomach.

After I'm fully back in reality, I reach to the end of the bed for my panties and quickly pull them back on. I laugh once Nolan pulls me back down to the mattress by the hips. "Don't leave," he says in my neck. His words tickle and I squirm but laugh. "After that, I would never leave," I reply.

"So you liked it then?" He asks, his voice a mixture of hope and nerves. "Are you kidding?" I ask, "It was good, really really good."

"That was the first time I ever... you know," he says, trailing off. He already knows that no guy has ever gone down on me like that. I told him all about my sexual history one night when I was drunk from a party, and called him as I walked back to my dorm. He was in Tampa that night, and I don't remember the conversation at all except what he told me the next day. But after today, I would never have guessed that Nolan was a rookie at this too.

"So... is there anything you're bad at?" I reply, causing him to blush. "Oh shut up," he mumbles and I smile at him.

It's almost 8 am, and Nolan wants to take his family to the diner down the street that we always go to. "I gotta shower," he says and takes his arms off me.

"Wait wait wait," I say and grab his arm. "It's your turn." I move my hand to his thigh and lean in to kiss him. He kisses me back and then pulls back.

"It's alright, Sammy," he says and laughs. "We should get ready." He hops off the bed and I follow quickly. As he walks to the connected bathroom, he glances back to smile at me on a way that says what are you doing.

"We can shower together to save time," I say and grab his hand. "Yeah if you say so," he chirps but despite that, we shower together. It doesn't save time...

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