19. Be My Family

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The game ended in a win and Nolan did in fact score. It was a beautiful breakaway goal and I could see his grin all the way from my seat next to Gina.

"That's your boy!" Gina says to me through the loud cheers of the packed Wells Fargo Center. I just blushed and nodded as I clapped along with everyone.

That most certainly is my boy.

After the excitement from the game winning goal died down and regular play resumed, Gina and Ryanne (Claude's fiancé) struck up a conversation with me. They are both very sweet and outgoing.

"So how are things going with Nolan?" Ryanne asks with a genuine smile. Gina encourages the same.

"Things are really good," I say and tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. "I mean I know we've only known each other for three months, but things are amazing."

"Oh that's so good to hear!" Gina responds.

"You two are the cutest. You guys make me feel old but still," Ryanne adds and laughs. She's only 28, so I don't know how to respond to that except to shake my head.

"His family is coming down in a few days to see a game. I'm kinda nervous to meet them," I reveal.

"Oh they're gonna love you. How could they not?" Ryanne assures.

They both assure me that everything will be okay and Gina tells the story of the first time she met Shayne's family. Apparently they had dinner at a restaurant and the heels she chose to wear were a little bit too high. She ended up falling on her face.

"And now I feel like I'm part of the family," she finishes on a high note. It makes me feel a little bit better about it. I hope they like me.

We walk down to the family lounge together after the game. As they both walk slightly in front of me, the clicking of their heels rings in my ears. It makes me notice my old adidas on my feet and consider dressing up more for the next game.

Despite the sudden feelings of insecurity, I grin widely when I spot Nolan coming out of the locker room.

Him and Travis come out together and walk over to where I'm standing with Ryanne and Gina.

"Sam! Did my goal impress you?" Travis greets with a cocky smirk.

I laugh and Nolan rolls his eyes. I nod and assure Travis that I was very impressed with his goal.

"Not as much as mine though, right Sam?" Nolan interjects.

"I can be impressed by both your goals equally," I tell them, feeling warm from the faux fighting over my attention.

They both share a skeptical look and I just shake my head. You can't make everyone happy.

Gina and Ryanne laugh at the two young players. Travis and Nolan are both older than me and even they make me feel old sometimes with their antics.

It's getting late, and soon enough everyone begins leaving. It was a good night, but I'm feeling relieved to be able to relax with Nolan the rest of the night.

I need a moment to detox anyway, since Nolan's family gets in tomorrow.

"Be honest," Nolan starts once we're in the car, "my goal was more impressive than TK's right?"

I laugh but nod. "Yes it was so much more impressive." I think as a girlfriend, I should take some responsibility for fueling his ego.

"I knew it."


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