17. Mother, He's Great

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Please answer
I'm sorry


I'm sorry
I didn't plan to pick a fight but I don't want anyone to hurt you

I know
I'm sorry for reacting like that

I love you

I love you too
I told my friends about it and they were mad like you so I'm sorry for telling you not to be mad

So how are you feeling? He didn't try to talk to you right?

I'm better
And no I didn't see him after that
Hows your hand? Travis said you were bleeding

I got three stitches but I'm fine
I miss youuuu

I miss you too😭
Ash is sleeping in the room tonight so I'm not alone at least

That's good
But I still wish you stayed here🙃
Will I see you at the game tomorrow?

I wouldn't miss it💙
And I'm thinking you should score for me😜

I think I should do that too😉
Gina asked me for your number btw

Oh yay🎉 I think I'm finally making friends with all those girls:)

They all like you a lot
Val's wife and Claude's fiancé told me that you're cute which made my cheeks get red and then they pointed it out so stop being cute pls

🙈Nolan you're the cute one
I haven't seen you blush in a while😔

Lemme FaceTime you then

He FaceTimes me then, and I answer quickly. I lay back on my bed and grin at my screen. He looks cute, kinda tired, but cute. His hair is messy and hanging down over his forehead. He pushes it up with his hand, but it flips back down immediately.

We stay on FaceTime for an hour or so, with him promising to not beat up Alex if he ever sees him again. He doesn't agree with my reasons, but respects them. Instead we are going to wait for the police to have a plan of action. I don't really believe that he'll be able to hold back if face to face with Alex though, so hopefully the opportunity never comes.

I hope they bring Alex in for questioning at least. But they did say they are incredibly backed up with sexual assault cases on campus.

I will be patient.

We also talk about happier things, like how in just a week, Nolan's parents will be coming to town for a couple of home games. Only his younger sister Aimee is coming with their parents, because his other sister Maddie is in college as well and can't miss. She plays hockey too. As a matter of fact, Aimee does as well.

I think he's excited to see them, but he is so blasé about everything that I can seem to tell what the threshold of his feelings are.

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