9. It Was Before

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It's been three days since Nolan left and he's set to return the day after tomorrow. We haven't texted much except when I wish him luck on his games.

I know he's busy, I just want to know if anything is wrong.

Hey haven't heard from you in a while? Is everything okay?

Sorry I just been busy and stuff

Okay:) I miss you

Miss you too

He doesn't say anything else and I decide to give him his space. I know playing in his first professional games is probably stressful. Maybe this is how he handles stress. Despite me being head over heels for him, we've only know each other for a little over a month.

We are still learning about each other.

In my communications class with Alex, he asks me to get lunch after class and I agree. I probably wouldn't have agreed a few days ago, but I think I'm just feeling confused.

I think I have an issue with being alone and Alex always makes himself available.

I guess you know where this is going, as I'm already trying to explain.

At the dining hall near our dorm building, I get a salad and Alex gets some kind of sandwich and we sit at a table in a relatively empty area of the huge dining hall.

"So can you help me study for this exam we have next week?" He asks. "I'm not doing good in this class at all."

I nod and stuff some spinach in my mouth. "Yeah wanna start this weekend?" I'm doing good in the class and I have a feeling that Alex is having trouble because he never takes notes. I can easily explain mine to him.

"Thanks, Sam. I'm not smart like you are I guess."

"Alex, it's one class. You'll be fine. It's still early in the semester," I reason. I honestly didn't know Alex could care about something. I guess he does have feelings.

He mumbles a thanks and then we move on to talking about our friend group and discussing if Ashley and Justin are going to date or not. Alex doesn't think so.

"He's too scared to ask her out," he reasons and I laugh. Justin gets pretty shy surprisingly, considering at parties he seems to always be the center of attention.

"She really likes him," I say. "I think they've been on a few dates already."

"Yeah they hang out a lot," Alex agrees.

After lunch, I head back to my room while Alex has another class. As I walk down my hallway and to the room, ready for a nap, I get a phone call. It's Nolan.

I answer right away as I get to my door. "Hi Nol," I say.

"Hey what's up?" He asks, sounding rather monotone.

"Oh nothing. Just got food and I have a class in a few hours. How about you? You've been playing so good!" I say, trying to lighten the mood. Something feels off. "I miss you though."

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