46. Chasing Down Your Street

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you're at my place right?

yess.. thanks for letting me study here all day by the way ❤️

you're welcome❤️
and besides I like coming home and you're there

speaking of that, sorry I'm missing the game tonight:(

no don't worry about it, I know you're busy with school lately

good luck, okay? You'll be great

thanks babe I'll try

Alright I'll let you go, love you

Love you

The Flyers have a game in an hour, and I have two huge midterms tomorrow so I'll be watching on television.

I feel bad about missing the home game, especially since Nolan is in the middle of a point slump. I feel guilty for not supporting him in person, but he convinced me that I should study and that he would be fine. I mean I knew he'd be fine, but still.

During that phone call we had this morning, when he assured me it was okay to miss the game, he also told me I could study in his apartment since it would be quieter than even the school library. Also, I had mentioned to him once or twice that I like doing school work at his place. Maybe it's because I'm with him or maybe it's the place itself, but I end up being very productive when I'm hanging out at his apartment.

So, after my last class ended at 3, I gathered some more clothes to bring with me and took the bus to his side of the city. Nolan already had to leave for the game though, so I haven't seen him.

Anyways, I get through all my notes for both my Econ and history classes, and even get a head start on a research paper I have due next week. And of course, I have the Flyers game on in the background. They lose in overtime and Nolan doesn't have a good game, not registering a point and making quite a few mistakes.

I sigh and shut off the tv. He probably won't be home for quite a while, and it's almost eleven already. Feeling satisfied with my work, I decide to head to bed. I'll wake up when he gets home and comfort him then, but for now I need a nap.

I fall asleep as soon as I get into his bed. I didn't realize how tired I was.

When Nolan comes home, I wake up slightly. I can hear him in the kitchen and living room for a bit, and then he enters the bedroom. I'm still in that in between state of sleep and wakefulness.

He kneels down next to the bed, pushes hair off my forehead, and kisses my head softly. My eyes flutter open at the sweet sensation of his lips, and I look up at him with a dopey smile.

"Go back to sleep, okay?" He says softly. "I'll be back in a minute."

I slide my eyes shut again and nod. He sighs as he stands up. I can hear him getting changed and then slip out of the room. I fall back asleep, I must have, because the next time I wake up it's 2am. The bed beside me is still empty, so I roll out and head outside the bedroom.

As I open the door, I can see and hear the highlights from the Flyers game on the television, but Nolan isn't on the couch. I go into the kitchen then, and there he is with his hands braced against the counter, head down.

He's probably been beating himself up over the game for the past couple hours.

"Nol?" I ask. His head pops up, eyes softening once he realizes it's only me. "Come to bed, yeah?"

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