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"Did you see the people loving our performance? They truly liked us. And we will perform again tomorrow. Can you believe it, Father?" The words were pouring quickly out of Hua's lips as she excitedly utter them. She is elated and excited about what she accomplished tonight.

"Can you play tomorrow? One of your fingers is hurt." I focused on putting medicine and bandage on Hua's cut finger.

Hua laughed dismissively. "It'll be fine tomorrow night. And I will put a bandage on it before we play. I promise." Her eyes twinkling as she swore on that. "Did you see how LiAn dances? She was amazing, isn't she?"

"Yes she is," I nodded to agree at Hua. "I never thought LiAn could be such a graceful dancer."

"We never thought about it as well." My daughter said. "We grew up doing needleworks and reading poetry for ladies, we never thought our talents lie somewhere. That we will be good at pipa playing and dancing. Or that people will love our performance."

"You were both good today," I said calmly as I finished dressing Hua's wounded finger.

Hua frowned at me. "You said that but your tone lacks enthusiasm, Father. Are you dismayed at something in our performance?"

"Yes. I was dismayed. You two gave too good of  a perfomance. I was actually hoping that you two will fail. I even prayed for it," I said in all honesty.

Hua gave me betrayed look. "Why will you do that? Why will you pray for me to fail?"

"Because watching you perform was never a dream of mine for you." I said. "I dreamed of marrying you off to a decent man and helping you establish your own household. Not clap at you after you played a prohibited instrument so hard that your fingers are bleeding."


"But you did well tonight, Wang Hua. You really did," I caressed my daughter's hair. "When you started playing, the sound you made with your pipa, it enthralled your crowd right from the start. You and LiAn quickly pulled us in the world of your music and her dance. It was truly a marvelous performance considering you two are both novice at this."

"We practiced really hard," Hua said.

"I know." I am aware of how hard Hua and LiAn practiced. They sometimes do it here in the estate. LiAn will come and she and Hua will get inside a closed door where only music will escape. They practiced for hours, sometimes even forgetting to eat. Both girls worked hard for that performance and it paid off.

They were good and the crowd loved what they did.

But in my heart, I still have some worry.

"Is this the path you truly want to take? Will this be what you will want to do with your life? Playing your pipa with LiAn and performing in front of a crowd?" I asked Hua.

Hua worried her lower lip. "Will it be too bad, if this is what I want to do with my life?" She asked me back.

"I don't know, daughter." I shook my head to accompany my reply to her. "I couldn't see your Baba and his family being all too happy if you will decide to make this as your life's work. You are a lady of certain status, Hua. Your father is General Wang Qing. You were once engaged to a Prince. You came from a noble lineage. I think you will be frown upon if it were to be known that this is what you will devote your life with."

Hua sighed. "Why is being a lady so hard, Father?" She asked forlornly.

Her question and tone made me smile a little. "I don't know too, daughter." I said and then we sighed together.

A Wuxia Tale: Blades and FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now