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I was called into General Wei's office to receive the greetings of my guards.

"Master AhRan." Master Rei and Jian Yu bowed to me. When the Consort straightened, he gave me a challenging look.

Oh, I see. Nothing changes in our relationship here.

"Aren't you being heartless to Wang Dao?" I asked Feng Jian Yu as I sat on the table. Tea was served and they placed a cup for me.

"I will sort out my family business. I hope you will leave it alone," Jian Yu crossed his legs. "We will leave tomorrow. Be ready."

"I am ready. I have next to nothing in possession. I came here with only clothes on my back and a sack on my head. By the way, I think your son developed a penchant for putting sacks on other people's heads."

"I think its just your head."

"Should we leave you two alone?" General Wei asked.

"No need. Jian Yu is just being difficult, as always," I said before sipping some fragrant tea.

General Wei looked at Jian Yu. "Won't you change the plan. Why not travel together with the princes? With enough guards, I'm sure no one will dare..."

"I want to travel fast." Jian Yu said.

"You are running away." I corrected him.

Jian Yu laughed mockingly at me. "And you know all about that. Thats your expertise. Running away from your problems."

Master Rei coughed. "Is there something we should know between you two...?"

"No." Jian Yu and I answered together.

Master Rei sighed. "Can I travel with the princes? I think that will be less of a hassle for me..."

Jian Yu and I ignored his obviously sarcastic remark. I kept my eyes on Dao's Father. "Don't incite more theatrics in the situation. It will make more sense if we will all travel together. Easier for everyone to prepare just one contingent of travelers."

"Easier yes. A larger group will mean slower pace. And like I mentioned, we will be a bigger target. And also, more people, more conflict. I think my way is less dramatic." Jian Yu argued back. From the corner of my eyes, I saw General Wei throwing his hands in the air like he has surrendered making us see sense even before he can try talking to us.

Its Jian Yu. He is high strung. Volatile even. His children always know how to pull his strings.

I narrowed my eyes on him. "You will not push us to travel for twenty hours a day and even during the night...right?"

Jian Yu didn't answer. Master Rei winced. Like he has an idea what I am talking about. I think Jian Yu pushed himself hard to get here fast.

"If you are this eager to see your children, you should at least look Dao in his eyes." I stood up. "I will not be dragged across this kingdom by an irritable and exhausted estate manager of the Master General. Rest well today and tomorrow then we can leave. Lets have a steady but not a punishable pace. I am done with people dragging me on what feels like a race against time and sense."

"I am the one in command of this journey back in the capital." Jian Yu stood up as well.

I sneered at him. "You may be in command but I am the important parcel you need to deliver. Please, don't make this more difficult as it is for all of us. I want to go back to the capital in one piece and possibly with my sanity intact. Don't make any decision while you are angry, my Consort. We have talked about this."

A Wuxia Tale: Blades and FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now