The Man in White Lotus

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I watched in dismay as Father massages Dao's back and arms. Every night, since we came home, Father do this to stretch Dao's muscles. Like how meticulous Father is in preparing my bath and beauty regime, he is the same when it comes to caring for Dao.

I feel dismay because I can see scars and healing bruises on my brother's body. Some of those scars are scattered in Dao's arms. Defensive wounds. It means Dao has engaged in fights where he had to defend himself fiercely enough to receive wounds.

But we are soldiers. Scars are trophies for us. Testament to our courage in defending our motherland. I know I should think along that vein but...he is my brother so I will be dismay if I want to.

"Has his bones completely healed from injuries, Father?" I asked.

"Yes. Your brother has no internal injury, Hua. I do this to correct his form and encourage his muscles and bones to grow."

"I see. So Dao is alright?"

"He is. Stop worrying about him," Father smiled at me.

"Okay," I breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Dao is alright. "Look at him falling asleep while you massage him." I snickered.

"Have you two made up? Not quarreling anymore?"

"No." I shook my head. "I...we...are skirting around the issue. Like its a pestering wound we don't want to touch." I confessed.

Father's hands stopped moving on the surface of Dao's back. "Will you two be alright? Avoidance is not a good way to tackle an issue."

"I know. Avoidance is the opposite of tackling an issue."

Father chuckled. "I know you are still hurting..."

"She's my Nanny. I love her. I miss her everyday." I said.

"And Nanny loved you and Dao a lot. So for her sake, talk it out with your brother."

"I understand," I sighed in resignation. If Father is already giving his opinion about the matter...maybe it is truly the time for me and Dao to settle the issue between us.

And maybe its for the best that we don't dally about this because Dao will surely be busy once his intended arrived back here in the capital after traveling to visit some of our relatives from our mother's side.

Auntie FeiXuan took Nadira to visit their Dao time to adjust to getting back home before he could meet his potential bride.

The thing is though...Baba and Dao are dancing around each other. Its clear that Baba is still annoyed at my brother for all the antics Dao did while my brother is playing the dutiful contrite son who is waiting for his punishments.

I wonder what Baba is thinking and why is he waiting to lay out Dao's penalty?



One lazy afternoon, while reading with Captain Wang in the sitting room of our sleeping space, he asked a question to me. "How is his body?"

"Healing," I simply replied to Captain Wang's question about Dao. A week after our son came back home to us, my Captain is biding his time in giving Dao his punishment.

I wish I could talk Captain Wang out of punishing our son but it has to be done. Something has to be done for Dao to understand that what he has done, is not right. And now that Dao has come of age, we won't do him any favor by shielding him from the consequences of his actions.

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