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I had to stand and remained quiet as Master Dayu treated Wang Dao's back after Hua's twin received three lashes for his supposed crimes.

The first lash came from me. I painted a decent size welt on Dao's back. But the problem is the two raw and bleeding welts the Queen's person dealt on Dao's back. Princess XiLen didn't entertain a moment of hesitation as she lashes Dao's naked back. I never thought my mother is adequate in lashing someone but then again she has lived here in the Mughal kingdom for close to two decades. Maybe she has picked up some lashing techniques along the way of living here.

"She broke Dao's skin." General Wang is looking nonpleased at the situation.

"I see it," Master Dayu grumbled coldly. When Dao and I got to this villa where General Wang and his contingent are staying, Master Dayu has everything readied to treat Dao's wounds. As always, Master Dayu has anticipated the worst except for Dao dying while receiving his punishments.

"We are bound to leave tomorrow, Your Highness." General Wang turned to me as Master Dayu kept busy applying poultice on Dao's back.

"I hope the preparations for your departure is going well," I said.

"It went well. The preparations were all done. I have talked to the Shah, the Crown Prince and HaRon about all the changes that will happen to your living arrangement here," General Wang said. "After we leave, you will stay here, in this villa with Dao as your main protector. Aside from Dao, a full militia consisting of both our people and Princess XiLen's people will look after you."

General Wang and Master Dayu has succeeded in plucking me out of the viper's nest so I can live in this villa with Dao while continuing our mission here.

"You must be surprised when your gifts were returned to you by the Queen." I said.

"Would you both mind talking elsewhere?" Master Dayu's tone is calm but his gaze on us has a sharp tinge on it. "I have to focus my head on Dao and mentioning that woman is fouling my concentration."

I sighed. General Wang gestured for me to proceed him outside of Dao's room. "Forgive Master Dayu for being snappish, your Highness. You know how much he loves our son. For him, Dao and Dao's body are precious."

"I am well aware," I nodded to General Wang. "And I am sure Master Dayu is not happy that Dao failed his last assignment..."

General Wang laughed. "Ah yes. My son failed to steal something from me. Once again, my vanity and pride got the better of me. My unwillingness to let my son win got the better of me. I hid the item on Dayu's things. I know Dao will have no qualms stealing from me but he won't be stupid enough to touch his Father's things. Dayu is not please that I outwitted our son."

"That was a clever scheme indeed," I nodded to agree on General Wang's strategy. "I expected nothing but that from a defensive general like you."

General Wang stared at me. We speak in a formal way that of a Prince and General of an army. Nothing of the familiarity we were trying to build as soon to be father in law and son in law. We are also actively avoiding mentioning Hua. She is not here but her presence is strong. For all the men here love her in different degrees.

"General, I think I should apologize for whatever slander Hua's name is going through..."

"No need, my Prince. I know whatever it is you are doing, you are doing it all to fulfill a mission."


"Don't apologize." General Wang shook his head at me. "Just know that once we came back to the Middle Kingdom, I will formally request the dissolvement of your engagement to Hua from his Majesty."

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