High Goal

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To put a total stop at my argument with AhRan, Mei called Adda to take the boy back to his room and bed because when Mei felt the boy's forehead, AhRan is a bit warm again.

"You will put the fever back onto that boy," Mei looked amused even though he is admonishing me.

"He is a trial. A bane in my existence," I said.

"Which should not be the case," Mei chuckled. "You should not let your head ache by worrying about the boy. Unless you don't trust Dao to handle him," Mei sipped more tea.

I scowled at him. "Have you met that boy? You just talked to him. Now, picture him and my son together...who do you think could handle who?"

Mei paused as he thinks about that. Then he winced. "Accept my apology. Go on, worry about Dao,"

"Oh," I massaged a hand on my forehead. "You are right. I should stop worrying about that affair and let Dao handle that. After all he has put us through, he deserves AhRan to run him ragged. AhRan is his karma and I pray that I'll be around to see Dao get his just punishment."


"No," I shook my head. "I hope they'll start whatever craziness they'll concoct together after I die." I said.

Mei openly laughed. I smiled at him. "Have you forgiven me already?"

Mei's laughter melted to give way to a frown. "I should not talk to you for at least a year,"

"Oh no! Not the silent treatment!" I groaned. "You do that to me what...at least twice a month?"

Mei snorted. "You are an ass, Dayu." He said before chuckling.

"I am," I grinned at him. "And you are the one too busy with your life that I have to visit you to remember that you still have a cousin."

"I have an eight year old and a six year old. What's your excuse?"

"Ahmm...my twins? Don't do this, I'll win everytime."

Mei laughed, "Right. And I think your children are not done challenging your patience."

"And my in laws are knocking at my door," I said disgruntledly.

"Oh, in laws." Mei made a sour face. "Don't do this, I'll win everytime. Jiang's sister is a nightmare. She is jealous of ShuYin for her daughters."

"How ridiculous is that? To be jealous on someone for someone else's sake. That's strange." I said.

Mei sighed. "What should I do, Dayu ah? How can I protect my daughter?"

"I have some ideas if you are willing to listen. But it'll require some major changes in your lives."

"I don't care. I'll turn everything in that estate upside down if it'll means ShuYin will be safe," Mei said with determination. "Dayu ah, do you trust the boy?"

"I'm not sure if I could totally trust him. What I'm sure of is he is passionate about keeping his sister safe. It's his reason for existing, to the point that he neglect even himself just to protect ShuYin."

Mei nodded, "That's the only reason why I am not campaigning to kill him." My cousin said. "But I don't pity him. I think he is strong and tough. I respect that. He reminds me of you when we were starting our training under Uncle Shu's guidance. Like you, he has a goal in mind and he is willing to knock everyone on his way to get there. That's admirable and scary at the same time."

"I'll keep my eyes on the boy for you. Just focus on my niece, Mei." I said.

"Thank you, Dayu ah. And yes, I would love to listen to your ideas." Mei smiled at me. I am glad he is not mad at me anymore.

A Wuxia Tale: Blades and FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now