The Siblings

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Before coming here, I was so sure that I had forgotten how Master Mei looked. Like every detail about him was erased from my head. But now that he is hugging me, the warmth I feel in my chest is completely familiar.

Master Mei let me go to smile at me. I'm now remembering that his serene grace and simple beauty, plus is calm demeanor, is different from his more fiery cousin.

"It must've been scary for you. All these thieves and kidnappers trying to get their hands on you," Master Mei said with sympathy in his eyes and tone.

"I let one of them take me to get the information I need," I said.

"Good. Then can I assume its all worth it?"

"It is," I nodded. "I learned that my father is indeed alive and that he wants something from me."

"What is that something?" Master Rei asked.

"Oh Master Rei," Master Mei finally greeted the other person in the room with us. "What am I thinking, please sit down. I will order refresments for us. Will fruit wine and tea suffice?"

"We will appreciate it," Master Rei said as he took as seat by the table. I did the same.

"Please order something for me as well," another man entered the room from the doors where Master Mei emerged. We stood up again to great him. "Master Jiang, a pleasure." I said.

"A honor is all mine," Master Jiang frowned at me. "Why are you acting all formal and polite? Its not you."

"I wonder about that too." Master Mei chuckled. "Why are you acting like this AhRan?"

I feel confuse. "What do you mean?"

Master Jiang sat down. He smiled at me. "Aren't we your family? Well, I know you didn't grow up with us but we all love that one person."

"What?" I'm following their words. "What one person?

Both Master Mei and Master Jiang's smiles melted. Their eyes turned worried. "What happened to you? You have changed."

I sighed. "Yes. I think so. You see..." I explained to them about my head injury and my missing memories. Its a lie I concocted to explain my strange behavior while trying to deal with all these changes in my surroundings...but it seems like the biggest changes hasn't yet revealed to me.

Master Jiang hummed. "Thats upsetting. That person will be upset most of all."

I cannot take the confusion anymore. "That person. Who is that pers—..."


I almost jumped in fright when someone opened the door boisterously like someone kicked it. A hurried figure came into the room. A girl whose eyes widened upon seeing me.


The girl rushed forward to hug me. "ShuYin be careful!" Master Mei shouted that warning before I...and this girl named ShuYin, toppled to the floor when we fell from the chair where I was sitting. I groaned when ShuYin landed on top of me.

"Gege, you are really here! You are home! Thank you, Buddha!" ShuYin sat on my middle and smiled widely at me. But what struck me was not her smile but the gathering tears on her eyes.

My heart pinches at the sight of her crying face. I reached up to touch her cheek. "Oh...ShuYin, gege is home."

"GEGE!" She wailed as she hugged me tight again. I hugged her back and let her cry in my shoulder. Even though I have no idea on Earth what role she play in my life.

A Wuxia Tale: Blades and FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now