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The merry banquet went on as the managers of the courtesan house as well as several veteran ladies of the night managed to mollified and cajoled the governors and other guests to continue the drinking and party. Even the governor of Hunan, who instigated that terrible scene, was pulled back to the party by one lady.

Soon, more dancers and musicians entered the hall to give the venue a lively tune and merry ambience. While all of that was happening, the head manager of the courtesan house swept Hua and LiAn out of the banquet hall.

I stood up to follow them. LiAn just announced that she will sell herself, and her virginity, for a price. I am sure, with that development, Hua will do something to try and save her friend.

I think Hua is developing a hero complex. Its good to have that kind of mentality at times. To help those in need and to be able to save those in danger.

But on the other hand...what if the person Hua wants to save is someone who doesn't need saving? Who doesn't want Hua to save them? What will my daughter do in that kind of situation?

I was wondering about that while other ladies of the night came to the head manager to revolt.

"She is but a dancer and a servant! How could she have her bidding event before us!" One lady of the night who looks like it isn't her first year in the whore house grumbled to the head manager.

Another lady stepped in. "She is right. LiAn is but a dishwasher a month ago. And now she is a mere dancer. She doesn't pour drinks and let the customers put their hands on her. Why will she have her debut before us?!"

The head manager looked at me. "Do I have to explain these terms to you, Master General?"

I nodded as I looked at Hua who kept her mask on while avoiding my eyes by turning her head away. "You know the Empress has a stake in this house...I think you should all explain to me what will happen to one of her person."

The Empress has an undue interest on LiAn. This courtesan house also serves as a major source of information being reported to the Emperor and shared to the military. We have our spies who infiltrate other nations and forage for information but there is also another way of getting important details but with a lot more grace, more silk and more ladies' perfume.

Placing LiAn here means the Empress has a plan for the girl. And the Emperor has asked me to look after Hua and LiAn well.

"Leave us," the head manager turned to her protesting ladies. "I will announce my decision later. Stop with your jealousies. You are all right. She is beneath you all. A mere servant. If you will show your weakness by being threatened by her, then that is your loss and her victory."

The ladies of the night stomped away, acting like brats. I was reminded that even though they trade wine and bodies for a living, most of them are still quite young. Probably around Hua's age. And I didn't see that one lady whom Dao has shared a few nights with.

Yes, I am aware of my own son's proclivities during the night when he will disappear for hours and will just come home when its almost dawn. Dao dallies with ladies of the night, I know that. And now, Dayu is aware as well that our son knows his way in a bed with a lady. At least my heart has stopped being angry about that. He even advised Dao to not sow his oats too recklessly so as not to produce unwanted wheat.

But the issue at hand right now is LiAn and her pronouncement that she will sell her "first night" to a patron. Is the girl this desperate to start saving to buy her own freedom in slavery? How will Hua react to that?

The head manager of the courtesan house turned to LiAn once the four of us is alone in the quiet hallway. "Do you have any idea about what you are doing?"

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