A Different Kind of Crazy

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I took the still shell shocked Li An to Uncle Mei and Uncle Jiang to be taken care of and protected.

Like Li An's father, Uncle Jiang is a trader by profession. I asked my uncles to keep Li An safe for me.

"We heard what happened." Uncle Jiang sighed. A tall and handsome man, Uncle Jiang is a good friend of my Baba. Aside from being an excellent trader, Uncle Jiang is also rich and has a reputation of being a cunning businessman. "I admit, I am not that close to Li An's father but I never thought he will do this. Embezzle funds, and from the Emperor's coffers no less..."

"What will happen to them?" Uncle Mei asked Uncle Jiang. Uncle Mei is Father's cousin and constant ally. The bond my parents have with Uncle Jiang and Uncle Mei is almost unbreakable. And I know that coming to them for help to harbor my friend is a risk and might start a conflict with my parents but...

But I don't know to whom else I can turn to.

"They will be heavily punished. It's already confirmed, their crimes. Hanging will be a merciful death for them. Some might even demand beheading them to get full justice." Uncle Jiang looked at me a little helplessly. "All of them, Hua."

I shook my head. "No. Not my friend. Li An is innocent!" I argued about that passionately.

"It won't matter. Her family is guilty of treason to the crown. Her hanging will be part of her parents' punishment." Uncle Jiang explained reluctantly.

I felt my blood draining from my head. "No," I shook my head. "No! There must be something we can do to save her." I don't think I can save Li An's grandfather and parents from their punishments but by the heavens, I will not stand to see my friend die for something she is innocent from doing.

Uncle Jiang winced as he patted my shoulder, "I will try to talk to some of my father's old colleagues. They are current and former ministers but I don't want you to get your hopes up. The ministers are not known to step forward to save one of their own in exchange of facing the Emperor's wrath. They will be afraid that they might insult his Majesty and their family and position will be compromised."

I closed my eyes in despair. Uncle Mei moved to hug me. "I'm sorry about your friend, Hua. I promise, we will care for her until we learn what her fate will be. For now, are you sure you are okay?" Uncle Mei inspected my cheek that Baba struck during the commotion at Li An's home. Uncle Mei's eyes darkened, "I know it's not acceptable behavior to resist an arrest but I think Captain Wang hurting you is far more grave crime. Dayu must know this..."

"What made you think your cousin is still unaware about this?" Uncle Jiang shook his head at Uncle Mei. "What does your cousin doesn't know about his lover and children?"

I bit my lower lip in distress at the thought that Father already learned that I tried to engage Baba in a combat. "That fight was my fault..." I confessed to my uncles.

"Nonsense," Uncle Mei is ready to defend me.

"Maybe," Uncle Jiang is more objective. "But I will still talk to your Baba. I am not comfortable with him striking you."

"Please don't..." I shook my head to my uncles. "I have already tested Baba's patience enough. I will handle this by myself. Just...please keep Li An safe. Please..."

"We will, my flower." Uncle Mei hugged me again. I thanked them profusely for their help.

After seeing to Li An's situation, I said goodbye to her and my uncles. I was a little relieved that ShuYin and ZhouLin are visiting Uncle Jiang's sister and they didn't see me looking dishelved from rescuing my friend from getting arrested.

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