X and EX Backstory

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This is a oneshot that was split into two parts because WOW it is loooong. The first part was published in my MCYTU homework book, but here's both of them put together, with a few alterations.



The Void twins were twelve when they were separated.

The End is often thought of as an unlivable, dank place. But anyone born there could tell you the truth. People live in End Cities. Not the ones that the Overworld-dwellers would go raid— no, down in the void, where no regular human could travel, the citizens of the End lived on floating islands in grand cities. And the most important family of each city would live in flying ship above the desolate isles.

The city of Chasm was no exception. And the most important family there was the Voids. Or at least, that was how it used to be.

Xisuma and Dexter Void were twins. They did everything together. And if Xisuma was always a little bit better and more liked than his brother, well, so what? They still had each other. They were still brothers and best friends, with inside jokes and fond memories of the other. Or at least, that was how it used to be.

It all started on a day like any other. Dex and X were messing around in Chasm Shores, jumping off the island, only to fly back up when the pressure of the void got too much for even the Endlings. The duo knew exactly what their parents would have to say about it— "Dexter, how could you let your brother do something like that?" and/or "Xisuma, why would you go along with this?" — so that was why their parents didn't know where they were. And that was what saved their lives, although they definitely didn't expect it.

"Your turn, EX," Xisuma said, panting from his fall into the void. Dex grinned. When they were toddlers, X had tried to say "Dex" and ended up saying "Ex" instead. But from then on, the nickname "Ex" stuck. A few years later, some kid at school had asked why he liked to be called that. Xisuma had jumped in and told them it meant, "Evil Xisuma," and from then on Ex wasn't just two letters— it stood for something. EX didn't mind. He and his brother thought it was hilarious that their names were pronounced the same way.

EX readied to jump when he heard yelling. "Down with the government!" somebody yelled. "No one should live better than anyone else!" another voice shouted. Dozens of other voices joined in, clamoring to be heard. The unmistakable sound of unfurling wings was heard hundredfold, and people took to the sky, some of them holding weapons, and others TNT. And they were all heading for the ship floating above the city.


EX had heard about this— cities rebelling against their rulers.He'd read about it in books, too. Heck, he'd even completed (rather boring) worksheets on the idea in school. It wasn't uncommon at all. But he'd never imagined for a second that it could happen to his city. To his family.

But now it was.

"X?" EX whispered, taking a step back. X grabbed his arm. "I say we run," he decided, and for a moment EX didn't argue. But they'd only dashed a few paces when EX realized something important. "X, where are we going?" he asked. Everyone in the city knew who the Voids were. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew it wasn't good for him or his family.

Xisuma slowed, looking confused and disoriented. He had to know the same thing his brother did— they couldn't stay in Chasm without being recognized. And they couldn't be recognized without risking their safety. "Um— we— um— " he faltered. He doesn't know what he's doing, EX realized. But that couldn't be right. X always knew what to do.

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