Overgrown Garden

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so i found the song Overgrown Garden by Beetlebug and it's my new obsession


Never go to the field.

It was the only rule.

And so, the little boy broke it.

He had spent many a day playing in his woodsy yard, gazing at the field with fear and curiosity. The day the boy broke, the woods were filled with snow, but in the meadow, it was summer. He skipped along in the meadow, blew on puffy dandelions, and then finally laid down in the grass and closed his eyes.

When the boy awoke, a small face was only inches from his own. He cried out in surprise, but the other boy only giggled, making a shh sign. He moved away, and the boy saw that the stranger had shimmering wings akin to a bee's on his back.

"Hello, friend," the meadow spirit giggled, and then he took the boy's hands in his own and together they played until the sun began to set.

"I have to go home," the boy said.

I wonder if you'll leave me behind someday

"Come back tomorrow," the spirit laughed, walking the boy to the path at the edge of his domain.

Among the wildflowers and the lilies, sleeping by the way

"I will," the boy promised. He had never had a friend.

But it's okay, because I would do anything for you

But by the time he found his way back through the woods and to his home, the boy had forgotten all about it.

He did not come back, again instead playing only in his yard.

The sunlight dances beyond the yard and painted your eyes in green

The boy gazed at the meadow with fear and curiosity again, for days and weeks and months and years, until he finally ventured back into the grass.

But the boy was too old for spirits then, seeing only the flowers.

But you're fixated on the candytufts, and you hadn't the time for me

"Come back," the meadow spirit whispered in loneliness.

I wonder if you'll leave me behind someday

The boy paused as he reached the path edging the meadow once more, as if he could almost hear—

Among the wildflowers and the lilies sleeping by the way

"Come back tomorrow," the meadow spirit whispered in hope.

But it's okay

"I will," the boy whispered under his breath, unsure of why he said it.

Because I would do anything for you

The boy did not come back.

The spirit waited and waited and waited, but his friend did not return, and the rain poured down in despair.

I washed my hair till it trickled down the drain, as the lavender filled the air

And the meadow spirit's garden sprouted thorns.

The scent might drive me half insane, but maybe you'll see me then

The boy explored the woods day after day. The meadow spirit watched and waited for him to return as he'd promised, to play with him again.

I wonder if you'll leave me behind someday

Among the wildflowers and the lilies sleeping by the way

Some days, the boy looked out to the meadow and something tugged at the back of his mind... something he had to do... but he could never recall.

But it's okay

Because I would do anything for you

The thorns grew bigger. The flowers grew fangs.

The meadow spirit was angry.

And when the boy heard "Come back," whispered in the wind off the field, he did as he was told.

It was winter, but when the boy entered the meadow, it was summer. The sun blazed, even as mist rose. Something felt wrong.

The rhododendron's crimson flame set fire to the sleepy air

And lit the early morning haze

That glistened in your tangled hair

The meadow spirit grabbed the boy with a laugh, but it was not cheerful. "Why did you leave me?" whispered the spirit. "Why didn't you come back?"

The boy turned to leave, and found only a fence of thorns where wildflowers and lilies had once slept.

"Don't leave me," the meadow spirit ordered, and the boy did as he was told.

The thorns grew tighter everyday

Round your ankles dripping red

Slowly, the boy forgot the world outside, as he should have when he first visited, as a small child. He gave gifts of friendship to the meadow spirit, but he never wanted to play. He only lay under the old willow, fettered with thorns.

You placed a crown of marigolds on my head

"Why are you not happy?" the meadow spirit demanded, his throat collared by thorns.

"I am happy," the boy insisted. "I would never leave."

And then you said

As you tried to pull your bloody hands away:

I'm never gonna leave you behind someday

In the daisies and the bluebells weeping by the way

The boy's gaze strayed to the fence of thorns, feeling that he had forgotten something important. He would have liked to stand and go find out what it was, but his limbs were too tightly bound.

"What are you looking at?" the meadow spirit demanded, his eyes burning.

"I want to go see the woods," the boy whispered.

Because I love you, and I would do anything

"You're my friend," the meadow spirit said angrily. "You can't leave."

"I know."

Anything at all

The boy closed his eyes.

I wonder when you left me behind that day

His eyes never opened.

Asleep beneath the willow withering away

"Friend?" the meadow spirit whispered with fading hope.

If you were okay

"Friend?" the meadow spirit whispered with blooming loneliness.

Because I would do anything for you

The boy did not come back.

I would do anything...


did you enjoy? :D
i love this song so much

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