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The dungeon was dark.

Tubbo approached the only occupied cell, the cold metal of the key pressed into his palm.

As he grew closer, the prisoner stood up, the dim candlelight catching on eyes the color of arctic skies. The curled points of their ears poked out from behind a curtain of pale golden hair.

Phil Minecraft.

Mass murderer. War criminal. The person Tubbo was here to free.

"Well," Phil said, lips curling into a smirking smile. "This is a surprise. It's about time someone came down here."

Tubbo steeled his nerves. "Shh. I-I'm getting you out of here."

The imprisoned fae's eyes flared with interest, then they threw back their head and laughed. "So the youngest of the royal line is setting free one of the kingdom's most dangerous prisoners. What brought on the urge, princeling?"

"It's— I— it was a dare." Tubbo instantly regretted the admission when Phil laughed again, his cheeks starting to burn.

The prisoner cocked their head, grinning a fanged smile. "Well then, princeling. Go ahead. Free me. We wouldn't want whoever dared you to free a genocidal murderer to think you're a coward."

The reminder of the fae's crimes made Tubbo take a step back— as did his unnerving smile.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

He edged closer to the door, and was reaching for the handle when he heard a sigh from behind him.

Tubbo whipped around as Phil sighed again, blue eyes flashing in the dark. "So you are a coward," he lamented. "I'd hoped you wouldn't be."

"I— I'm not a coward."

"Aren't you?"

Tubbo glared at the fae. "No. I'm not!"

"Prove it, then," the prisoner taunted. "It's just a turn of a key in the lock. Or... you can go scuttle away with your tail between your legs. We wouldn't want you to start crying if this is too scary for you."

Tubbo whipped around, reached the cell in two big steps, and inserted the key into the cell door.

It creaked open, and Tubbo flinched, waiting for Phil to step out.

Instead, there was only a clunking sound as the prisoner held up his chains expectantly. "Are you going to unlock these or not?"

Tubbo unlocked them.

Cuffs and chains clinked to the ground as Phil stepped out of his cell with a smile like a wolf's.

The kingdom's most infamous criminal smirked at Tubbo.

"Thank you, princeling. You've made things much easier."


based on an au my friend Chat and I made, called Meddlers. it's honestly my favorite au out of the 3 he and I have made together (1. Eclipse, a kingdom au, 2. Singed Flowers, a Legend of Korra au that completely disregards all logic, and timelines apparently do not exist, also apparently korra does not exist, also there are two Ranboos because why not, and I don't mean there's like Ranboo's white side and his black side, there's legit just two Ranboos, Ranboo squared lmao, oh and the Red Lotus is the Syndicate because also why not, and 3. this au, Meddlers :D)

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