Maya's Humble Abode

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Here's something a little - well, a lot - different! @MayaTheWatcher is hosting an event on Maya's Humble Abode, her Discord server (where I happen to be a very active member, love you all on there).

Basically, you can write or make art about what the Humble Abode would look like as a real place. Here we go.


Deep in the wilderness at the foot of the Fourth Wall, concealed by mountain peaks and thick forestry, lies a special place, a hidden place, the place known as Maya's Humble Abode.

The name is simplistic, yet the place is far from it, with a diverse populace and beautiful scenery. It is a place to feel at home.

A cozy cabin lodge serves as the main hub of activity, a place to sit back in a stuffed armchair, coffee in hand, and discuss every topic under the sun. Within is an announcement board for the Abode staff to post daily announcements, and ask a special question every day.

For those who do not wish to spend time in the warm confinement of the cabin visit the flower field, a stretch of meadow dotted with blossoms. Many love to lie in the sun-soaked grass and enjoy time with their friends.

In the heart of the woods, inhabitants of the Humble Abode climb trees and leap over creeks, roleplaying as their favorite characters in various situations.

Bordering the forests is a glittering silver lake, the surface rippling softly in the breeze. Ringing the lake are sprawling pavilions, areas for people to hang out and chat about their favorite fandoms.

On a rock jutting out over the water there is a long wooden table. A realistic picture board rests on it, with characters like game pieces to move around. This is the Dungeons and Dragons table, a magical spot to immerse yourself in fantasy.

And rising from the center of the lake is the largest pavilion of them all, a multileveled tower offering a stunning view of the Humble Abode. This is the library pavilion, with levels for books of all genres, and places to share your ideas and scraps of writing.

From the lake is a flowing river, glittering silver-azure in the light. A small, marbled black temple structure is positioned on an island in this stream, lit with red flames.

This is the altar of angst, where followers of Maya the Angst Goddess leave their sacrifices of angsty writing. Only those who wade through the creek of sorrowful disposition may reach it.

At the base of high silvered cliffs, a dark mouth gapes, lit dimly with flickering torches. This is the Cavern of Cults. Each offshoot of the caverns houses a different cult, each stranger and more exciting than the last.

High above the cavern entrance is a ledge jutting out of the cliff. Railings hem it in, and fountains bubble as winds whisk through leafy foliage. This is the garden of songs, a place for people to climb to in order to sing and write music together.

At the edge of the Humble Abode is a snaking dirt driveway, with a small domed building constructed against the Fourth Wall. This is the Abode transport hub.

Inside the transport hub are portals to several places, such as the Castle of Shadows, the Writer's Guild, or the Realm of Silkglade. A silver truck is parked on a platform, should anyone need vehicle transport.

At the back of the building are several doors carefully marked Hermitcraft, Dream SMP, Banished, and so on. These are the gateways through the Fourth Wall, although most prefer to break through at less convenient points.

Although the Humble Abode may seem quite quaint to you, down the dirt-and-gravel path, the road turns to asphalt. Buildings line the highway: a Starbucks, a Tesco's, and many more.

Continuing down the road, you will arrive at the grand building of Minecraft YouTube University, where many of the Abodians attend. But this is another story, for another day. Perhaps if you visit the cabin or flower field, you will find someone willing to explain it.

Overall, the Humble Abode must seem like a peaceful, calm place to you, traveler.

I'll let you discover whether that is the truth on your own.

Feel free to stay at Maya's Humble Abode, and see what secrets and fun awaits!

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