All This Has Happened Before

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basically this is an au where Techno, Tommy, and Wil are all immortal but can die in battle, oh also they're princes of the Antarctic Empire


The battle was bloody and vicious.

Prince Technoblade was at the center of it.

He slashed and fought his way through enemies, sending lifeless bodies to the ground in droves.

Yet the enemy kept attacking, kept coming, swords and axes flashing in the moonlight.

He couldn't let them get into the castle.

Somewhere in that castle, his two younger brothers were watching the battle with wide eyes from a tower window. Tommy and Wilbur. He would fight for them, so they could live.

Of course, Tommy was eighteen, and Wilbur was twenty-three. But he was the oldest (twenty-seven), so it was his responsibility to protect them.

Tommy had wanted to fight. Techno had refused, ordering him to stay behind, but his little brother, while remaining home at the castle, had refused to give up on his dreams of war-herodom.

Techno hoped that the brutal sight of this battle would change his mind.

Blood flew. The fighting raged on.

Until finally their adversaries were calling out calls of retreat, and Techno sheathed his twin blades and let himself relax, but not much. There was always more to be done, wounded to treat— and yes, dead bodies to count.

But his little brothers were safe, for now.

He turned to walk off the battlefield, then heard a low whimper, a very small sound that shaped into a word.

"Techno?" a very familiar, very pained voice cried out feebly.

Techno whipped around, fear and panic filling his heart, because he knew that voice, but he must be imagining things—

He was met with the sight of a golden-haired boy lying in the bloodsoaked grass, the shaft of an arrow sticking out of his blood-slicked stomach.



Techno raced to his side and kneeled by his brother, terror and panic and fear overtaking all logic. "Tommy? Tommy, are you okay? Tommy, stay with me!"

Tommy blinked back dizzily. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize, Tommy, I'll take you back to the castle, the doctors will heal you—"

Tommy slowly shook his head from side to side in counterargument. "You told me not to come. You were right." He tried for one last feeble smile, his lips curling across his bloodstained cheeks. "I'm sorry."

His chest stopped rising and falling, his body still for eternity.

He would have been immortal. He would have lived to see the end of time.

Alas, some things are simply never meant to be.

~ "All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again." -James M. Barrie ~

The battle was bloody and vicious.

Princes Technoblade and Wilbur were at the center of it.

They slashed and fought their way through enemies, sending lifeless bodies to the ground in droves.

Yet the enemy kept attacking, kept coming, swords and axes flashing in the moonlight.

But Wilbur and Techno had something else to fight for.

They had vengeance.

Vengeance for the golden-haired boy who had lain on the ground two months prior, cold and lifeless, slaughtered for a war not his to fight.

Wilbur had never been much of a fighter, but here he was, swinging his blade at enemies, cutting through skin and drawing blood without hesitation.

He still wasn't much of a fighter, but Techno was there to protect him, to defend him, to ensure he did not meet Tommy's fate.

"For the Antarctic Empire," they had both chanted with the rest of the soldiers before the siege began.

It was a lie.

"For Tommy," they had whispered to one another in the midst of the bloodshed.

It was the truth.

Wave after wave of soldiers surged over them, and for a moment, Techno was alone, the young man who had been at his back suddenly vanished.

But there was no time to ponder on it. Techno swung his swords, fighting for his life, battling off the attackers trying to kill him.

Then suddenly they were dead or run away, and he was standing there alone on the battlefield.

Unless... Techno's pointed ears detected the slightest sound, a decidedly metal sound, a sound he knew well— a sword being pulled from its sheath.

He didn't have time to duck as he felt the rush of air as the sword swung for his neck. He was immortal, perhaps even a god, but he could die. He would die.

I'll see you soon, Tommy.

The slice never came. But a shrieking scream did.

Techno whipped around, and there he was, the man who had taken the blow for him. Wilbur, dead on the ground, lifeblood spilled in a pool around him.

There were no final words, no touching goodbyes, as there had been with Tommy. It was a slash, and then Prince Wilbur, second in line for the throne, was dead.

He would have been immortal. He would have lived to see the end of time.

Alas, some things are simply never meant to be.


Thank you Mixel for the idea of how Wil should die ;)

and yes you said you didn't need credit but HA I DID IT ANYWAY

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