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Strap yourselves in, guys, because today we're riding an emotional roller coaster!

*smiles to hide the pain*

Um... warning: Graphic death scene, lots of talking about death


"Do you remember what I told you on November 16th, Tommy?"

Tommy lifted his head, unflinching, and Technoblade glared him down. Explosions rang in his ears and smoke clouded his lungs, ash blurring his vision.

Tommy was keenly aware he was cornered at the edge of a cliff, but he felt only calm at the thought. If he had to die this way, he would.

"I told you the story of Theseus. I said you reminded me of him."

Oh, Tommy remembered that. He remembered Techno's words clearly: he dies in disgrace, despised by his people.

But Tommy wouldn't die that way.

He would die on this clifftop, or perhaps shoved off the edge— it didn't matter.

Techno was wrong.

Tommy would die for his country, for his friends, for his discs.

He had never been afraid to face death, but never before had he felt so relaxed at the prospect.

I don't have to die having achieved all I wanted to. All that matters is that I tried.

"I told you the good things don't happen to heroes."

Keeping talking, Techno. I'm not scared of you.

Tommy took another step towards the drop as Techno advanced.

You want me to die like a hero? Then kill me.

"I see the confidence in your eyes, Tommy. You think you'll always win. You think you'll always escape."

Not this time.

This time I go down, and I'm not afraid to do it.

"You think you can face death, Tommy? THEN PROVE IT!"

Techno lifted his crossbow, aiming it for Tommy's heart.

That crossbow executed Tubbo.

The thought suddenly wiped all of Tommy's newfound confidence. He didn't want to die! It was too soon, he hadn't reclaimed the discs yet, he hadn't said goodbye to Tubbo—


At first Tommy thought the desperate scream of protest had come from him, but then he was airborne, flying several feet until he thumped to the ground, several feet behind Techno just as the rockets were fired.

Blood sprayed, coating the grass in crimson. The iron smell clogged Tommy's nostrils, making him gag. Then realization hit.

Someone had pushed him.

Someone had died for him.


Tommy sat up woozily, his eyes traveling to the body lying in front of Technoblade.

It was Tubbo.


Tommy staggered to his feet, pushing weakly past Techno to crouch before his best friend's body. He was still alive, but barely. He was so covered in blood Tommy could hardly bear to look at him

"Tubbo—" Choked sobs cut off the rest of Tommy's sentence. Tubbo's blue eyes stared up at him, sparkling and bright as ever. He opened his mouth, as if to speak, but dark maroon liquid bubbled out instead.

"Don't speak. Just listen. I love you like a best friend," Tommy whispered, just as Tubbo took his last breath, with Tommy by his side.

Us against the world.
One last time.


Yeah... the angst was strong on this one

I think I pained myself just writing this

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