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Tommy and Tubbo reunited(ish) on Technoblade's stream on December 27th, but no one showed respect for the moment at all. So I rewrote it, keeping most of the original dialogue and cutting out some of the random, out-of-character stuff. I tried to make it emotional, no idea if I succeeded.



There were a lot of things that were impossible.

For example, people coming back from the dead.

And yet Tubbo knew ghosts. As someone accustomed to death at an unfortunately young age, he didn't find the idea of spirits frightening.

In fact, lately he couldn't stop hoping more ghosts would show up. One ghost, in particular.


Where was Tommy?

There was nothing comparable to the deep ache in his chest when he thought of TommyInnit. TommyInnit, Tubbo's once best friend... now dead. And it was Tubbo's fault.

All he wanted was something. He didn't even need a conversation. Just a glimpse of Tommy's specter, free at last to traverse the world without the chains of exile. Even if Tommy hated him... at least Tubbo would know he was there. Gone, but not lost.

But so far, nothing.

Maybe Tommy was truly forever gone. Dissolved into everlasting darkness, left alone for an eternity...

These were the thoughts that haunted Tubbo at night.

They would haunt him during the day, too, if Tubbo didn't push them away, burying them under grins and laughter and a pretense of joy.

Maybe people thought he was cold for smiling as he discussed his best friend's death, but they didn't feel what Tubbo felt. Sharp claws of emotional anguish didn't scar them, rolling black clouds of dark thoughts didn't suffocate them. They didn't feel the strangling need to be happy, to cast sunshine into the darkness, to soothe the ceaseless pain.

All this was going through Tubbo's mind as he headed towards the Camarvan, where Ranboo had told him there was something going on...

Surely not.

As expected, Ranboo was waiting by the drug van, but so were three other figures. One tall and crowned— Techno, of course— one gagged with their arms tied— that was Connor, strangely enough— and the third... it couldn't be who Tubbo thought it was.

As Tubbo grew closer, he knew he hadn't hallucinated it. The third person was Tommy.

But that was impossible.

Tommy was dead.

Tubbo had seen the pillar he'd jumped from, willfully ending his own life.


Tubbo reached the motley group, his eyes wide as an owl's. "Well, well, well, look who it is," Technoblade growled dryly, but Tubbo barely heard his sarcasm. He stared at Tommy, and Tommy glared back. "I-I'm so confused! Y-you're alive?" Tubbo breathed. Something soft and light was blooming in his heart, filling the punctures left by Tommy's supposed death.


Real happiness.

I almost forgot how it feels.

"Hello, Tubbo," Tommy said coolly. He met Tubbo's shocked gaze, a cold fire burning in his eyes. "Where have you been?" "Um... here?" Tubbo answered weakly, knowing that wasn't at all what Tommy was asking. Tommy wasn't asking for his location. Tommy was asking why Tubbo hadn't been there for him as he suffered.

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