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"Your next assignment, Angel."

Tommy barely heard the messenger, registering the paper dropped on his desk with only the smallest scrap of his attention. He was too busy staring at the file in his lap, marked Thomas on the front.

His file. Containing that stupid report card saying he'd failed his patron god.

I didn't, Tommy reminded himself for the hundredth time. The spiderweb symbol was still evident on his forearm, which meant he was still bound to this temple. This god.

He threw the file across the room with a cry of fury, jumping to his feet to pace the room.

He'd fucked up in the worst way possible, and Control was keeping him?

All his efforts— royally messing stuff up, being disrespectful and insolent— were wasted. How the fuck did that happen? Tommy's report even said that he was "remiss in his duties as a Vassal to the Puppetmaster, the god Control." He was most definitely a failure.

So why wasn't Control getting rid of him like they should be? By law?

No, not by law, Tommy realized after a few more moments of angry, aimless pacing. Gods like Control were law. Control was just circumventing tradition.

He stared at the black spiderweb on his forearm. It stared back, mocking him. Tommy imagined he could hear wheezing, dark laughter. Control's stupid fucking teakettle laugh.

He wanted to kill him.

Can't kill a god, Tommy reminded himself. He could kill Control's Divinity, though, and leave Control without a physical body. Dream was an asshole even without his patron god possessing him. Or maybe that was just Tommy's bias speaking. He couldn't actually really remember the last time Control had stopped possessing Dream and let him have his own mind...

Tommy kneeled and picked up his file, extracting the report card, then unsheathed his claws, letting them tear through the stupid paper.

He dropped it in the trash and turned back to his desk, picking up the sheet detailing his new assignment.

Somehow, some way, he was going to fuck this one up even worse than last time.

He had to.


i made an au again, it's called Divinity, I'll explain it here if you're confused

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