A Day In The Life

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I had a weird idea... what if we lived in an alternate universe that just is the fandom?

Wattpad stories are physical books that magically get more chapters when you update. We go to school and learn about Dream SMP and Hermitcraft.

I also was thinking... if we learned about Dream SMP all the time and it was just our normal reality, it might actually seem boring to us. Which is a really weird thought.

Anyway. Here's a oneshot from the perspective of my OC, Blue, but living in this alternate universe.

And yes, I did essentially stop for a moment to gush over We've Fallen So Far and what a good writer Lettuce is.


Let me walk you through a day in the life of me.

We begin at the beginning.

I woke up. I checked my Wattpad notifications. I ate breakfast. I met up with my friends Maya and Lily on the way to school.

School went normally, too.

I plopped down into my desk in English class, and we all took out our copies of We've Fallen So Far by CasualLattice25, aka Lettuce, another student. We were doing a unit on rewrites of the Dream SMP plot.

Let me talk about We've Fallen So Far for a moment— let me talk about Lettuce, actually. Have you read her works? They're amazing. The chapter of We've Fallen So Far where Tubbo gets executed— I had chills. I had serious chills.

Great writer, that Lettuce.

After English was social studies. See, where I come from, social studies doesn't teach us about the World Wars or the evolution of totalitarianism. No, we study Dream SMP and Hermitcraft history.

It's comical, really. My Hermitcraft textbook is barely half the size of the Dream SMP one.

Sometimes I just stare at that thick volume of Dream SMP history and wonder how something so interesting can look so boring.

Last quarter we did a unit on the Hermitcraft Civil War of Season Six, but today we were studying L'Manburg. Again.

Don't get me wrong. I like L'Manburg. It's cool— I even heard it was a special place. (See what I did there?) But how many times can you read the L'Manburg Declaration of Independence without feeling bored?

Thank god that Wilbur Soot was an interesting president who said things like "Yooo suck it green boy." We have to recite the declaration in class, and the way our teacher winces every time we shout that line is hilarious.

Next we had music class, an elective.

It sounds more fun than it is. If I have to listen to one more remix of "Dibby Dibby Diamonds", I'm going insane.

It's stuck in my head. Dibby dibby diamonds, diamonds—

—Ahem. Anyway. Music class is the most interesting when we get to listen to Maya and Jello share their new songs. Super-talented, those two.

After that was art class.

Now, let me share a secret-that's-not-so-secret.

I can't art.

It's that simple.

I don't care how many times Maya says I can.

I cannot art.

Usually I sit in the corner on Microsoft Paint or Krita making awful book covers that people smile at and tell me are good.

I know I'm bad, though. I'm not, like, insecure about it. Everyone's good at something and everyone's bad at something.

The times I really love art class are when we analyze animatics. I don't think I'll ever tire of watching Dawn of 16th.

In fact, I can recite the whole thing if I wanted to. This is where we take it all back. Either that, or we get nothing. What do you think gives you power? Is it your crown? Is it the fact that you're king?

I think I've proved my point.

After school, Lily and I said bye to Maya as she went to her piano lessons, and then we went straight to the media center for the book club.

Our book club isn't like most. We read and share stories that we, the members, wrote ourselves.

Usually I'm smiling as I enter the library, but on that particular day my stomach was a pool of dread. Why? Simple. We were reading my book, Burn the Ashes, this week.

Oh god. Oh god. Why did I join this club?

Since everyone was reading my book, I had free reading time, but I couldn't focus on my copy of Banished, not knowing if everyone liked my book or hated it or what. I kept peering around, trying to read peoples' faces.

One time I glanced up, though, Lily caught my eye and smiled, so maybe it was okay. I wouldn't know.

I've been told I'm a good writer, and I've sort of started to believe it, but words can be lies just as easily as they can be truth.

Once book club was over, I grabbed my blue-and-purple backpack and practically ran home. (I did stop to say goodbye to Lily, though— I'm not a jerk).

Once at home, I procrastinated for a while, then I waded through my homework. No English homework, though, since We've Fallen So Far was yet to be updated. When the book was updated on Wattpad, a new chapter would appear in the physical copy.

(Did I mention I love that book?)

I wrote through the afternoon, then ate dinner and got in bed. But I didn't sleep. We don't sleep here.

I opened Twitch. I had a lore stream to catch up on.

Three hours later, I decided that the current time— one a.m, to be exact— was a decent time to go to bed. So I did.

Or at least until I got the notification at three a.m that Ranboo was live.

Dear god, the man's sleep schedule was almost as messed up as mine.

I fell asleep about halfway through the stream and had a weird dream about Technoblade stabbing orphans.


Maybe I'd write a oneshot about it in the morning.

Speaking of morning.

I woke up and repeated the cycle, more or less.

Another day in the life.


The Ranboo part was a joke, I do not watch Ranboo streams at 3am, and you shouldn't either, SLEEP MY PEOPLE

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