Rings Pog

69 11 13

Idea for this from @Demon-in-the-closet


The bench was quiet, the sun just beginning to sink in the sky. Tubbo was perched on one of the armrests of the bench, waiting for Tommy to arrive.

"Tubbo!" A voice called from behind him. Not Tommy, however. No, it was another voice, the voice of someone else he cared about.

"Ranboo my beloved!" Tubbo greeted the speaker without turning around. The enderman hybrid reached him and leaned against the oak tree shading the seat. "What are you doing?"

'I'm waiting for Tommy. We're supposed to watch the sunset together," Tubbo explained. He snapped his fingers. "But while you're here, I can give you my gift!"

"You got me a gift?" Ranboo asked, his eyes lighting up. Tubbo nodded and pulled a small black box out of his pocket, the kind that held jewelry. He opened it to reveal two matching silver rings nestled inside. Words were engraved into the metal in swirling letters. One of them read Your Tubbo. The other read Your Ranboo.

Ranboo raised an eyebrow. "Are you proposing to me again? Tubbo, we're already married."

Tubbo shook his head. "No. Look at them. Here, this one's yours." Tubbo handed Ranboo one of them. Ranboo studied it for a moment, then smiled. "Is this your way of making sure I don't forget you?"

"I mean, since the electric shock machine didn't fix your memory, I need to make sure somehow, don't I?" Tubbo joked, sliding the other ring onto his finger.

Ranboo laughed. "Phil and Techno are going to have so many questions when they see this, it's not even funny. Techno will probably call it cringe."

Tubbo found it easy to imagine that. "Just wait until Tommy finds out," he pointed out. "He's the jealous type."

"Speaking of..." Ranboo pointed over Tubbo's shoulder at what Tubbo assumed was Tommy approaching. "I think I'll take my leave now. Thanks for the ring."

"Bye, Minutes Man!" Tubbo called after him. Tommy appeared at his side a moment later. "What was Ranboo doing here?" Tommy asked.

Tubbo shrugged. "He was just passing by. How are you, big man?"

"I'm fine," Tommy answered, opening his enderchest and pulling out mellohi. The disc slipped out of his grasp, and Tubbo and Tommy stooped to grab it at the same time.

Tommy grabbed the disc first, then froze, staring at Tubbo's still outstretched hand. "What?" Tubbo asked, confused. Did he have a papercut?

"Tubbo." Tommy's voice was dark. "Tubbo Underscore. WHAT. IS. THAT!?"

"What is what?" Tubbo asked, still puzzled.

"Feel free to correct me," Tommy growled, "but that is a ring with the words Your Ranboo on it." He pointed at Tubbo's ring finger.

Tubbo winced. He'd known he'd eventually have to deal with Tommy's clinginess, but he really didn't feel like doing this right now. "It's just a ring, big man."

"Tell me he doesn't have one with the words Your Tubbo on it."


"But that's our thing!" Tommy shouted hysterically. "You're my Tubbo! I'm your best friend!"

"Well, since Ranboo and I are married, we're technically not friends," Tubbo said— then instantly regretted it when he saw the shade of red Tommy's face was turning.

"You're MARRIED!?" Tommy yelled.

"Uh. Yes?"

"Why didn't I know about this? WAIT, DO YOU GUYS KISS AND SH*T?"

Tubbo decided not to answer that.

"Tubbo, listen to me." Tommy grabbed Tubbo's shoulders. "You. Are. My. Best. Friend. Remember that when Ranboo tries to talk to you!"

"Tommy, it doesn't work that way. You can't force me to be your best friend."


Tubbo rolled his eyes. "Tommy, you're being an idiot. Of course you're my best friend. I didn't leave you."

Tommy went silent and eyed him for a moment. "You mean it?"

"Of course! Always."

Tommy beamed, then tried to hide his smile. "I mean, you're the clingy one, so if you say so, I suppose we can always be best friends."

Tommy slung his arm over Tubbo's shoulders, and they sat in happy silence for a moment. Then Tubbo asked a question.

"Does this mean I get to call you Tommy my beloved now?"

"Don't even think about it."


Dunno if this is fluff or just crack

I started writing this before I discovered Ranboo and Tubbo's marriage is canonically romantic

Well that's kind of awkward

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