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From the title I'm guessing you already know what this is about... Tommy and Techno, of course.

This is kind of just a oneshot of my AU-headcanon type things for Techno.


"I swear to god, Tommy, stop eating my gapples!"

"But I want the absorption effect!" Tommy protested, cheekily taking another bite of golden apple. Techno groaned. "You don't need the absorption effect! If you keep this up, I swear I'm going to hand you over to Dream."

Instantly, Tommy lowered the apple, his smile vanishing. "I've been meaning to ask... Techno, when Dream said you owed him a favor... what was that about?"

"That's none of your business, Tommy," Techno growled, even as anxiety pricked him. Snatching the golden apple from Tommy's hand, Techno tossed it over his shoulder and into the trash can. "And I meant what I said about the gapples!"

With those final words, Techno swept out of the house and into the snow. He needed to think. He knew he couldn't protect Tommy forever. Dream would make sure of that.

But Tommy reminded Techno so much of him...


Techno remembered the darkness of the Labyrinth, the glitter of the Minotaur's eyes in the endless black.

He'd killed it, Theseus and him.

They were friends.

Until they weren't.

Technoblade wasn't a god.

He wasn't human.

He was simply something other, fated to never die, cursed to see mankind fall around him, again and again.

The structure of the universe ordered him to do so.

But Techno never followed any orders but his own.

When he saw Theseus venture into the Labyrinth, Techno had admired his courage. But he knew, instantly, that Theseus was no match for the Minotaur. So, for the first time in a millenia, he took action.

After helping Theseus slay the Minotaur, Techno and him became friends. Techno, a warrior to his core, taught Theseus everything he knew about battle, until they were perfectly matched. Then... things changed.

Determined to keep all the glory for himself, Theseus lied. He lied to all the people of Athens, began telling the story as it hadn't happened. He emitted Techno entirely from the story. He told everyone he had killed the Minotaur alone.

Techno knew why. He knew Theseus well. Theseus was too ashamed he couldn't handle it alone, too ashamed to admit he wasn't as infallible as everyone believed. Too ashamed to admit he owed all his prowess in battle to Techno's training.

So Technoblade left. He fled Athens, fled the mortal world, until voices began to speak in his head, telling him to seek revenge. Theseus had fallen from grace, and was hiding in an island kingdom far away, the voices said. He would be easy to kill, the voices insisted. And Techno succumbed to their will.

Taking the form of the island's king as a disguise, Techno took his revenge and killed his former friend, snapping his neck and throwing him off a cliff.

After that, Techno stayed away from mortals for centuries. Until he finally rejoined humanity... and now he was here, faced with another brave young hero with a talent for taking on more than he could handle.

Techno winced as he remembered something Dream once said.

"Do you know how Theseus got killed? He gets yeeted off of a cliff by the guy who was the king of the island he took refuge on after exile."

Dream wanted Techno to kill Tommy.

But Techno couldn't bring himself to do it. The voices in his head screamed for Tommy's blood, but he resisted them.

Techno couldn't bring himself to kill Theseus again.

Blood for the blood god, the voices whispered. "No," Techno said aloud, the sound of his own voice snapping him out of his haze of memories. He wouldn't give in to the voices again.

He would fight for Tommy, train him. Techno knew Tommy would die eventually. He might even die someday very soon. But I'll make sure he dies like a hero.


"Do you want to be a hero, Tommy? THEN DIE LIKE ONE!"  -Technoblade

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