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It was still a few hours before the pair of you would get back, the sun had faded and the moon lit up the sky.

That's when you begun to stir once more, slowly you sat up and rubbed your eyes.

Levi watched you carefully, and feeling a pair of eyes on you, you turned around to face him, offering a half smile.

"Are we there?"

"No." Was his reply.

Nodding, you stretched, then sat up fully. You then noticed your cape over you body and smiled, folding it nearly you went to place it on the other side of the bench but stopped when you noticed another one.

Furrowing your brows, you glanced at Levi, noticing he wasn't wearing his and smiled softly, placing yours on his.

'Do you finally accept him as your anchor?'

You thought for a moment. At first, you hated the thought of Levi Ackerman being your anchor. You despised the fact that he was the one who could bring you back, calm you down like no one else.

But, as time went by, and after all that's happened, you didn't seemed so bothered by it. You didn't mind it at all, in fact, you were glad it was him.

You couldn't dream of anyone being your anchor.

'Yeah, I do. I wouldn't have it any other way.'

Otis laughed softly, and hummed a little.

'Tell him.'


'Tell him he's your anchor.'

That's all Otis said, and you sat in thought once again.

Levi glanced over and saw your expression, you seemed to be deep in thought, and he clicked his tongue.

"Out with it then."

"Huh? What?"

"Whatever's on your mind, out with it."

You averted your eyes nervously, gazing out the window into the night sky.

"There's something I need to tell you..." you trialed off.


"You remember in the courthouse, I lost control and you brought me back?" You glanced at him.

Levi nodded his head.

"Well... Otis told me something before then. When you were in the expedition. When I lose control... only my anchor could bring me back..."

"What does that mean?"

You sighed heavily.

"It means that no matter how far gone, how angry, upset, I am. If I lost control and lost all sense of who I was, only... only that person could bring me back."

You hoped he would be able to put the pieces together.

"I see." He said, "going by that, either myself or Erwin is your anchor."

You nodded your head, connecting eyes with him and smiled ever so softly.

"It's you, Levi. You're my anchor. At first I hated the idea, resented it. I..  thought how could you be my anchor, the one person to calm me down. Why not Erwin? Otis told me things happen for a reason."

Levi stayed quiet, and you decided to carry on.

"As time went by, from training with you, going to my village, doing that intense training, I got to know you a little more. And I was getting more okay with the idea, if I'm being honest, I was happy it was you..."

You took a deep breath, and thought carefully about the next part before saying it.

"When I was fighting... and Ori came for you, I.. panicked. I was scared, I had this feeling, he wasn't after anyone else... he was after you... because he knew.. that would hurt me... when I was in that hospital room, I knew you'd been waiting even though you won't admit it... and that's when I realised... I love you Levi, and I'm glad your my anchor." You smiled.

You didn't dare look at him anymore, you trained all your attention outside hoping to fight off any awkwardness that would probably ensue after that.

It was silent, dead silent. Your heart pounded in your chest, you didn't expect him to reply.

"I suppose I'll have to stick by you then brat."

You whipped your head around to Levi, for once, he was smiling. It was only little, but it was still there.

"I'll admit, over the time I've been forced to spend with you, I've noticed more things. I've also grown rather... fond of you.." he muttered out.

You tilted your head a little in confusion you didn't understand.

Levi must have sensed this confusion because he sighed, rolled his eyes, and in a flash he had your collar in his hands and his lips pressed to yours.

Your eyes shot open, but before you could respond he had let go and pulled away, sat back in his spot with red cheeks.

"I'm saying I love you too moron.." he grumbled.

You were still frozen for a second, but then you smiled and sat next to him, leaning over to peer at his face.

"Aw, Levi loves me~" you sang.

"Shut the hell up!" He growled.

"I didn't think you were capable of love." You teased.

You did this for a few minutes before you stopped, leaning up you pressed a kiss to his cheek and sat back in your spot, gazing out of the window.

"I'm glad I'm your anchor too..." Levi whispered

Anchor (Levi x reader) Where stories live. Discover now