Chapter 19

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"(Y/N) (L/N), you pledged for life to protecting humanity, correct."

"Yes sir."

"As a member of the scouts, your case falls under my domain. You're fate will be decided by who's custody land in. Any objections."

"No sir."

"Thank you for your compliance."

You sat there silently, listening to how the MPs tried to win the judge over.

You ignored them, you didn't care for what they had to say, you ignored them. Sitting quietly on the floor, minding your own business.

"Does the scouts have anything to say."

This caught your attention, you dared to look up, feeling eyes on you, you turnt to face the person staring at you and came eye to eye with Erwin.

"I intended to use cadet (L/N) to help humanity. It is true, we don't know much about her, or what she is capable. But if we can learn more about her, and what she can do I believe she'll be a valuable asset to humanity."

"Nonsense! She's just monster like her father was!" A man yelled.

Turning to the man, you tilted your head a little bit, wondering if he'd explain further.

"Her father possessed the same power as her, and he destroyed a village!"

Your eyes widened, there's no way...

"That's impossible! My father would never do such a thing!" You yelled.

"Your father is the reason your village was destroyed!"

"My father trapped the demon in me to save everyone!"

"He did it for power!"

You jerked your body forward, the guides appearing on your arms as you glared at the man. The chains binding you creaked under the sheer strength.

"Take aim!" An MP yelled.

"My father wouldn't dare do that! You keep your damn fucking mouth shut before I rip it off!"

The chains in creaked once more and one of the links snapped making your body fall forward just a little bit.

"Calm down!" Erwin yelled.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" You roared.

You ripped your way from the bar and stood there, people gazing at you in fear. The guides slowly started to make their way to your face.



He jumped over the bar along with Levi.

"HOLD ON!" Zackary yelled.

The MPs held on, and everyone watched tensely as a groups of scouts approached you, no one daring to get to close.

"If she gets any worse the MPs have permission to shoot.

"(Y/N)...?" Erwin asked gently.

"Your eyes flicked to his but you quickly turnt away.


"Shut the hell up you spoilt brat!" Levi yelled.

Your eyes flicked to him and you growled, it's demonic echo making its way through the room.

"Don't growl at me." He warned.

You stopped and just stared at him, Levi took a few steps closer and you sneered a little, but did and said nothing.

"Sit the hell down."

You for some reason complied and sat down. Levi walked over closer and placed his hand gently on top of your head, kneeling down so he was eye level with you.

"Calm down, right now."

"Don't tell me what to do." You snarled.

Both of you sat there for a few moment stayed for a moment, both of you just simply staring at one another.

"Calm. Down. Take a deep breath."

Levi took a deep breath and let it go, then another, and soon enough you found yourself copying him, soon enough the guides on your face started to fade, though the ones on your arms still remains for a few more seconds before going .

"Good." He said.

Everything around started to go blurry, and you begun to go light headed, swaying side to side a little, you fell into Levi who quickly caught you, and laid you on the floor.

"I've seen enough." Zackary declared.

The whole court room fell silent. The scouts stood over your body protectively while Levi sat there with you, your head near his leg.

"I've made my decision. (Y/N) (L/N) will go with the..."

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